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Meanwhile she had placed all the money realised by the sale of her jewels, more than three thousand pounds in Gertrude's hands for League purposes; her house was practically Gertrude's, and had Gertrude willed, her time and her thoughts would have been Gertrude's also. She would not let herself even think of Winnington.

In the midst of the confusion the drawing-room door had opened, and there on the threshold stood Delia Blanchflower, with a slightly-built lady behind her. Winnington turned with a start and went forward to greet them. Dr. France left behind in the bow-window observed their entry with a mingling of curiosity and repulsion.

WINNINGTON spoke to this purpose: Sir, I have heard nothing in this debate, but doubts and objections, which afford no real information, nor tend to the alleviation of those grievances, which are so loudly lamented.

Delia surrendered, wondering; and it was soon very evident that, on her side, the splendid creature, in her unrevealed distress, pined after all to be loved, and by her own sex. She told Susy no secrets, either as to Winnington, or Gertrude; but very soon, just as Susy was certain about her, so she very pitifully and tenderly became certain about Susy. Susy loved or had once loved Winnington.

It struck him sharply, first that she was wholly taken by surprise; and next that shock and emotion play finely with such a face as hers. He had never seen her so splendid. His own pulses ran. "This this is not at all what I want, Mr. Winnington! I want my own money my father's money! Why should I distress and inconvenience you?" "I have tried to explain." "Then let the lawyers find it somehow.

The father, a Viennese judge en retraite, as Winnington had been already informed by the all-knowing porter of the hotel, was a shrewd thin-lipped old fellow, with the quiet egotism of the successful lawyer. He came up to Winnington as soon as he perceived him, and thanked him in good English for his kindness to Euphrosyne of the day before.

Then you perceived what should be the girl's natural charm and sweetness "'Hm. Does she show any of it to you?" Winnington laughed. "You forget I am always there as the obstacle in the path. But if it weren't for the sinister influence in the background."

And there suddenly darted through her memory the recollection of a certain item in her father's will. Under it Mr. Winnington received a sum of L4,000 out of her father's estate, "in consideration of our old friendship, and of the trouble I am asking him to undertake in connection with my estates," or words to that effect. Somehow, she had never yet paid much attention to that clause in the will.

An ugly strike in the Latchford brickfields against nonunion labour was giving the magistrates of the country a good deal of anxiety. Some bad outrages had already occurred, and Winnington was endeavouring to get a Board of Trade arbitration, all of which meant his being a good deal away from home. Meanwhile Delia was making a new friend.

Betray her friend? go to Winnington for help? But he was a magistrate. If such a plot were really on foot and Lathrop was himself convinced that petroleum and explosives were already stored somewhere in the neighbourhood of the house Winnington could only treat such a thing as a public servant, as a guardian of the law.