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It was arranged, then, that the handles were to be made by Stubberud, and passed on to Hanssen. The whip-lashes were made by Hassel, in the course of the winter, on the Eskimo model. They were round and heavy as they should be and dangerous to come near, when they were wielded by an experienced hand. Hanssen received these different parts to join them together and make the whip.

Light bursts of spray came aboard aft like flying whip-lashes, and the man at the wheel stolidly shook his head as the jets cut him. Right forward a slight sea sometimes came over with a crash, but the vessel was in no trouble, and she looked as if she could hold her own in a much worse breeze.

But the uneasiness and the presentiments were shared by the Wolfhound, and he dreamed vividly that night of red-hot irons, the smell of tigers, of wire-bound whip-lashes, and the panic sense of being caged. In the morning Bill would hardly take the trouble to prepare a breakfast for himself, and the clothes he wore were not those that Finn had always seen him in before.

It is something novel to live in this town turned inside out. Where people should be, the long, long day from dawn to daylight shows only a dead blank. Where business should be, the sleepy shop-blinds droop. But where no business should be along the crumbling ruts that lead no whither clatters waggon after waggon, with curling whip-lashes and piles of bread and hay.

Some say the name was suggested by the fact that when not otherwise employed, they are constantly cracking the lice which swarm in their never-combed hair; others ascribe it to the frequent cracking of their rifles and long whip-lashes as they pursue their game or drive their cattle.

Crash! it broke off just above the cap, and held there by the rigging, dashed with every roll from side to side, with all the hamper that belonged to it. The yard hung by a hair, and at every pitch, thumped against the cross-trees; while the sail streamed in ribbons, and the loose ropes coiled, and thrashed the air, like whip-lashes.

We were cold, hungry, underfed on horribly revolting food, reviled, abused, beaten and always smarting from old welts or new weals of the whip-lashes.

Hassel worked at his whip-lashes down in the petroleum store. It was an uncomfortable place for him always cold; but he had the lashes ready by the time he had promised them. Prestrud made charts and copied out tables. Six of us were to have these copies. In each sledge there was a combined provision and observation book, bearing the same number as the sledge.

North winds cut their faces like whip-lashes. The first night out there was not enough snow to make a wind-break of the drifts; so the sleighs were piled on edge to windward, dogs and men lying heterogeneously in their shelter. When morning came, one of the Indian guides had deserted. The way became barer.

But the man whistled, and spoke to it with the sound of whip-lashes, and the dog swung in at the man's heels and followed after. The man took a chew of tobacco and proceeded to start a new amber beard. Also, his moist breath quickly powdered with white his moustache, eyebrows, and lashes.