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'A scar! repeated Miss Whichello, in so altered a tone that Cargrim stared at her, and hastened to explain further, so as to learn, if possible, the meaning of her strange look. 'A scar on the right cheek, he said slowly, 'from the ear to the mouth. 'What kind of a looking man is he? asked the old lady, pushing away her plate with a nervous gesture.

'No, my love, replied Miss Whichello, in a low voice. 'I don't suppose I know the man either. Is he still at The Derby Winner, Mr Cargrim? 'I believe so; he portions his time between that hotel and a gipsy camp on Southberry Common. 'What is he doing here? 'Really, my dear lady, I do not know. 'Aunty, one would think you knew the man, said Mab, amazed at her aunt's emotion.

'Nonsense! said Miss Whichello, smiling broadly; 'wear it round your neck like a sensible lover. 'Are lovers ever sensible? inquired the captain, with a twinkle. 'I know one who isn't, cried Mab, playfully. 'No, sir, removing an eager arm, 'you will shock aunty. 'Aunty has become hardened to such shocks, smiled Miss Whichello.

'I am obliged to Mrs Pansey for the way in which she has distorted facts. 'I fear, indeed, that Mrs Pansey exaggerates, said Dr Pendle, shaking his head. 'With all due respect, bishop, she is a wicked old Sapphira! cried Miss Whichello, and forthwith produced a bundle of papers out of her pocket.

As the chaplain walked to the palace he reflected on the strange conduct of Miss Whichello. 'She knows something about Jentham, he thought. 'I wonder if she has a secret also. Although the palace was so near Beorminster, and the sphere of Gabriel's labours lay in the vicinity of the cathedral, Bishop Pendle did not judge it wise that his youngest son should dwell beneath the paternal roof.

'I don't see what she has to do with it, he said quietly, with the intention of arriving at Mrs Pansey's meaning. 'Ah! no more can anyone else, Mr Cargrim. But I know! I know! 'Know what? dear Mrs Pansey. Oh, really! you are not going to say that poor Miss Whichello fired that horrid pistol.

'I come to consult you confidentially, said Miss Whichello, when she and the bishop were alone in the library. 'I wish to ask for your advice. 'My advice and my friendship are both at your service, my dear lady, replied the courteous bishop. 'It is about Mab's parents, blurted out the little old lady. 'Oh! The bishop looked grave.

He had learned that Miss Whichello had visited the dead-house, that she had known the dead man as a violinist under the name of Amaru, and had buried him for old acquaintance sake at her own expense.

Also, as Bosvile, alias Krant, alias Jentham was said to be a gipsy on the authority of Miss Whichello, and as the information that Baltic was in the confidence of Mother Jael had trickled through Brace and Graham to the bishop, the last named considered it advisable that the ex-sailor should be informed of the actual truth.

I pity the majority of them to-morrow morning. 'Have you had supper, Miss Whichello? asked Gabriel. 'Oh, yes! a biscuit and a glass of weak whisky and water; quite enough, too. Mab here has been drinking champagne recklessly. 'Only half a glass, aunt; don't take away my character! 'My dear, if you take half a glass, you may as well finish the bottle for the harm it does you.