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Among them stood the masterful Anglo-Saxon, whose energy has pushed aside the Spaniard, civilized the Negro, developed half a continent, built this amazing path of steel through fifteen hundred miles of desert, and who is king where-ever he goes.

The speech which this day was to utter in the years was the old vexed cry, "How long, O Lord? how long?" A fight, short, but desperate. Where-ever it was hottest, the men crowded after one leader, a small man, with a mild, quiet face, Douglas Palmer. Fighting with a purpose: high, the highest, he thought: to uphold his Government. His blows fell heavy and sure. You know the end of the story.

Where-ever you take me I shall be the happiest woman in the world." "WOMAN," he laughed, scarcely breathing the word aloud. "Yes, I am a woman now" "And yet forever and ever the little girl of Cragg's Ridge," he cried with sudden passion, crushing her close to him.

It was the first time she had left the train since entering the mountains, and she understood now why some one in the coach had spoken of the Miette Plain as Sunshine Pool. Where-ever she looked the mountains fronted her, with their splendid green slopes reaching up to their bald caps of gray shale and reddish rock or gleaming summits of snow.

It had happened, that was all, and it seemed to her that she had always foreseen this night, with its letter writing and packing. To-morrow at this time they, she and Victor, would be in Paris. And then they would go where-ever he chose. She did not care. And, although she did not know it, this unformulated mental attitude was the first sign in her of any approach to an unselfish love.

These marks may be traced everywhere, even to the sea-shore, not only down to the water's edge, but beneath it, where-ever the harder rocks have resisted the action of the tides and retain their original character.

Thus was Christianity spread by fire and sword, and where-ever the cross passed it left its track in blood. The wealth of the Church increased year by year.

I am all flame, all joyful fire and softness; methinks it is heaven where-ever I look round me, air where I tread, and ravishing music when I speak, because it is all of Sylvia let me alone, oh let me cool a little, or I shall by an excess of joyful thought lose all my hoped for bliss.

But here we are in danger of losing and I give the opinions of military men and not my own merely 10,000, or it may be 20,000 lives, that may be sacrificed in this struggle. I have never pretended to any sympathy for the military profession but I have sympathy for my fellow-men and fellow- countrymen, where-ever they may be.

Where there is but one good light, and that immediately in front of the window, there is every excuse for the British custom, but when the light is well diffused, why not place the table where-ever it looks well?" "Ah, but it doesn't look well anywhere but back to the window," said Mr. Macdonald artlessly.