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"He doesn't know, of course. He's probably a cross old bachelor." "But I'm a child," wailed Mary Rose suddenly. "Wha-what are you going to do with me?" Her face whitened. Her aunt put her hand under the little chin and turned Mary Rose's startled face up so that the two pairs of eyes looked directly into each other. "You're not a child, Mary Rose. You're a great big girl goin' on fourteen.

Hobbs said she shouldn't wonder if he knocked my my head right off." "Knocked your head off! Who?" "Him." She raised her hand and pointed a shaking finger straight at Captain Shadrach. All three of her hearers were surprised, of course, but in the case of the Captain himself amazement was coupled with righteous indignation. "Wha-what?" he stammered. "Who said so? What kind of talk's that?

"And now, Flint," said the Head, "will you be good enough to give me some explanation of your conduct?" "Well, sir," said Flint desperately, "if you save a chap's life at the risk of your own when he's dyin' of diphtheria, and the Coll. finds it out, wha-what can you expect, sir?" "Um, I see. Then that noise was not meant for ah, cheek. I can connive at immorality, but I cannot stand impudence.

Oh, this is -is fearful!" gasped Ham Spink, putting his thumb and forefinger to his nose. "Wha-what am I to do?" "Ham has caught it and no mistake!" whispered Snap. "He'll be as sweet as a bag of bone fertilizer after this," was Shep's comment. "You'll be able to smell him ten miles off," vouchsafed Whopper. "You'll recognize him in the dark with your eyes closed." "Hi, you!

Arkansas raised his finger impressively and Johnson stopped. Arkansas rose unsteadily and confronted him. Said he: "Wha-what do you know a about Pennsylvania? Answer me that. Wha what do you know 'bout Pennsylvania?" "I was only goin' to say " "You was only goin' to say. You was! You was only goin' to say what was you goin' to say? That's it! That's what I want to know. Answer me that!" "Mr.

"You have seen the last penny you'll ever draw in your vile trade." "Wha-what have I I I DONE?" "Heaven knows, sir Heaven, which has interposed at this hour to thwart this treacherous design alone can draw the full indictment against your past. Clogg, march him off to the guard-room: and you, Doctor, tell Pengelly to post a guard outside the door.

"Shut up!" When she had quieted, he said: "You are right, of course; we'd both be caught if you were to slip up. But I'm afraid it's too late to teach you now. It's always been too late." "Wha-what ... what you mean?" "Never mind. Where's the traveling case?" She pointed silently towards a shelf, one of many that lined the room. The Guesser went over and pulled out a box of cleaning dust-filters.

Some one came running through the dining-room. First the cook, then the little waitress, dashed into the hall. "Wha-what is it? What's the matter?" shouted the former. "What was that shootin' " "Where is Stevens?" demanded Mrs. Strong, as she fairly pushed Alix into the living-room. "Call him! Isn't he out there in " "He went out, half hour ago, out," stuttered the waitress.

She twisted her hands together till the laced fingers hurt. "Wha-what are you go-going to do with me?" "Make good use of you, dear child," he laughed: "be sure of that!" "What do you mean?" "What do you think?" "I don't know ..." "Really not? But there I think you do injustice to your admirable intelligence."

Arkansas raised his finger impressively and Johnson stopped. Arkansas rose unsteadily and confronted him. Said he: "Wha-what do you know a about Pennsylvania? Answer me that. Wha what do you know 'bout Pennsylvania?" "I was only goin' to say " "You was only goin' to say. You was! You was only goin' to say what was you goin' to say? That's it! That's what I want to know. Answer me that!" "Mr.

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