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"I have been but I've been in the slums since; in horrible places that the least of those flowers would have lighted up like a lamp." Westy's guarded glance imprudently softened. "It's the beastliest kind of a shame, your ever having had to do such work " "Oh, had to?" she flashed back at him disconcertingly. "It was my choice, you know: there was a time when I couldn't live without it.

"I think he has very great promise which he is almost certain not to fulfill," she answered with a sigh which seemed to Westy's anxious ear to betray a more than professional interest in the person referred to. "Oh, come now why not? With the Amhersts to give him a start I heard my cousin recommending him to a lot of people the other day "

Nothing seemed to them funnier than that any one should credit them with any mental capacity; and they had inexhaustibly amusing ways of drawing out and showing off each other's ignorance. It was on this scene that Westy's appreciative eyes had been fixed till Justine's appearance drew them to herself.

Westy's face was all white and there was blood coming down from his eye and he looked straight up and didn't notice anybody. All the fellows were quiet and scared, kind of, and waiting for Doc to speak. But he wasn't excited, only he said we'd better get a doctor. "It isn't a fracture," he said; "it's only a cut, but anyway, we'd better get the doctor."

And the worst of it was, I couldn't. Sure, I'd met it. No doubt about that. But I follows the bunch into the house like I was in a trance, starin' at Cyril over Westy's shoulder and askin' myself urgent, "Where have I seen that face before?" No, I couldn't place him. And you know how a thing like that will bother you. It got me in the appetite.

"Which three?" Westy repeated, still apparently in some suspense. "Tomasso has Westy's goat," Roy laughed. "Look at the straight face he's keeping," Doc laughed, referring to Tom. "I might as well tell you the truth," Tom said. "I forget things sometimes; maybe you don't understand. Maybe it was because I wasn't here last year maybe.

"You can't mean that, of the two ?" She paused and then went on doubtfully: "It's because he's cleverer?" "Dr. Wyant?" Justine smiled. "It's not making an enormous claim for him!" "Oh, I know Westy's not brilliant; but stupid men are not always the hardest to live with." She sighed again, and turned on Justine a glance charged with conjugal experience.