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Updated: August 10, 2024

And so he kept on his way, picking his steps between the moist places in the path to avoid soiling his freshly varnished boots; tightening the lower button of his snug-fitting plum-colored coat as a bracing to his waist-line; throwing open the collar of his overcoat the wider to give his shoulders the more room very happy very well satisfied with himself, with the world, and with everybody who lived in it.

The girl took a quick step backward and covered Mascola's waist-line with the automatic. "You'll go now," she said. Turning to Gregory she added: "Tell him you'll pay him down-town." Gregory picked up the Italian's knife before replying: "I'll be at the bank at two," he said, making no move to comply with Mascola's request for his weapon. Mascola clenched his hands. His face grew red with passion.

Corpulent women must forego the swagger little basques or any sort of short, flounced effects below the waist-line. Nos. 52 and 53 are eminently adapted to the matron of ample dimensions. One observer of beauty-giving effects has not unadvisedly called the waist-line "the danger-line." A stout sister, above all others, should not accentuate the waist-line.

In the wooden rocker beside the warm stove she sat down quietly, lapping her hands over her waist-line. "Gott in Himmel," sitting well away from the chair-back and letting her eyes travel slowly about the room, "just like it was yesterday; just like yesterday." And fell to reciting the phrase softly. "Ja, ja," said Mrs.

A dame will fall for any sort of a rag stuck on a figure like Gert's, and think the waist-line and all is thrown in with the dress. You seen for yourself Van Ness order five gowns right off Gert's back to-day. Would she have fallen for them if we had shown them in the hand? Not much! She forgot all about her own thirty-eight waist-line when she ordered that pink organdie.

Then perform this same motion on the toes and shift into a run while still holding the same position that is, while going up and down on the toes. Men who have considerable weight around the waist-line should place their hands on the abdomen when performing this exercise. This movement consists in turning the body at the hips while keeping the feet and legs in the original position.

Whatever growth occurs is irregular and disproportionate. The trunk, though small compared with the head, appears massive against the background of the diminutive extremities. The back is somewhat humped, arching at the waist-line, while the abdomen protrudes like a balloon, with a hernia, often, at the navel.

There is a caricature of Alfred de Musset with a figure like a Regency dandy, a figure which could have been acquired only by much patience and unremitted tight-lacing; also one of Balzac, which shows that that great novelist's waist-line had long since disappeared, and that he had long since ceased to care. What was a figure to him in comparison with the flesh-pots of Paris!

The huipilili is a little sleeveless waist, loose at the neck and arms, and so short that it rarely reaches to the waist-line, to which, of course, it is supposed to extend; it is of bright cotton red, brown, purple, with stripes or spots of white and is stitched at the neck with yellow silk.

Lean forward and place your hands under her arms, then gently raise her to her knees, next slide your hands quickly down around her body at the low waist-line, lifting her at the same time to her feet.

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