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Kenwigs began to wring her hands and shriek dismally, amid which cries, and the wails of the four little girls, a stranger ran downstairs with the baby in his arms, explaining hastily that, visiting a friend in a room above, he had heard the cries, and found the baby's guardian asleep with her hair on fire.

She obeyed, passing through a great number of people, of whom all she could see in the gloom of the breaking dawn was that, like herself, they were captives, to a little chamber where she was left alone watching the light grow through the lattice, and listening to the hum of voices that rose without, mingled now and again with sobs and wails of grief.

"I'll show that young Turk who's boss around this house!" he magisterially proclaims almost every night when the youthful wails of protest start to come from the Blue Room in the East Wing. And off he goes, with his Holbein's Astronomer mouth set firm and the fiercest of frowns on his face. It had a tendency to terrify me, at first.

For that very reason I quote to you: "'Ah, happy he who gains not The love some seem to gain. "Oh, what an opportunity my scorned profession gives me for knowing the human heart. This woman who comes to me cries: 'If I had only married I should have known the joy of companionship, of motherhood, and children growing up around me, And this one wails: 'I have made a mistake.

The attic was the kind of attic every woman longs for who hasn't one and every woman loathes who has. "If I only had some place to put things in!" wails the first. And, "If it weren't for the attic I'd have thrown this stuff away long ago," complains the second. Mrs. Brewster herself had helped plan it.

There was a splash near the boat that made me clutch my legs, the wails ceased and began again with redoubled intensity. Nick and I leaped to our feet and stood staring, horrified, over the gunwale into the black water. Presently there was a laugh behind us, and we saw Xavier resting on his elbow. "What devil-haunted place is this?" demanded Nick.

The moon had disappeared and the glimmer of the stars did not penetrate the canopy of foliage overhead. Even the goatsuckers, queer birds that looked like giant whip-poor-wills, had ceased their wails and in the jungle reigned the darkest hours of night. Oomah awoke with a start, as if in response to the prod of a rude hand, and shivered.

It is enough to put down the wails which he wrote long afterwards when visibly approaching the close of all human emotions and interests: "This is the day on which, in 1752, dear Letty died. I have now uttered a prayer of repentance and contrition; perhaps Letty knows that I prayed for her. Perhaps Letty is now praying for me. God help me.

The foyer was like an ant-hill in commotion; people running forwards and backwards, trying vainly to bribe an entrance, until the noise was like hornets buzzing; while from behind came the sound of the orchestra tuning, faint raspings of the cellos, and the wails of the wood-winds, and above them the cry of a trumpet muffled.

No human noise in my experience come within a mile of it for dead, downright misery unless, maybe, it's Cap'n Jonadab trying to sing in meeting Sundays. "Who's that?" wails Ase from 'tother side of the door. "Did anybody knock?" "Knock!" says I. "I all but kicked your everlasting derelict out of water. It's me, Wingate one of the selectmen. Tumble up, there! I want to talk to you."