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A small swelling under the arm-pit is the sign of the plague and the precursor of swift death. The master-sin is disobedience, self-willed departure from God. That disobedience may be as virulently active in a trifle as in a deed that men call great. Self-will is the tap root of all sin, however labyrinthine the outgrowth from it. Disobedience honeycombs a soul.

Some regular officers may have been virulently opposed to the employment of negroes as soldiers, though the few instances which I have known have been far more than compensated by repeated acts of the most substantial kindness from many others.

An old friend and fellow-contributor to "Politics for the People," led the Conservative attack, accusing him of unsettling the minds of the poor, making them discontented, &c. Some of the foremost Chartists wrote virulently against him for "attempting to justify the God of the Old Testament," who, they maintained, was unjust and cruel, and, at any rate, not the God "of the people."

"I know that there are those that have great obstacles to overcome, but I think that while Southerners may have more personal likings for certain favorite servants, they have stronger prejudices than even we have, or if they have no more than we have, they have more self-restraint, and show it more virulently."

He out-classes Castle. I hate that kind of a man half woman." "There isn't anything of a woman about Alan, Dick. He is the most virulently male man I ever knew." Dick fell silent at that. Presently he began again. "Tony, please don't be offended at what I am going to say. I know it is none of my business, but I wish you wouldn't keep on with this affair with Massey." "Why not?"

When I attempted to remonstrate with them and point out the folly of their behaviour they became virulently abusive, and declared that if I wanted the pumps kept going I might keep them going myself and this although I had already done considerably more than my fair share of that back- breaking labour.

"The traversers" were in everybody's mouth a term heretofore confined to law courts, and lawyers' rooms. The Attorney-General, the Commander-in-Chief of the Government forces, was most virulently assailed; every legal step which he took was scrutinised and abused; every measure which he used was base enough of itself to hand down his name to everlasting infamy.

Now then, applying these facts to the political history of Trinidad, with which we are more particularly concerned at present, what do we find? Of course, he was opposed ably, strenuously, violently, virulently but the metal of which the man was composed was only fused into greater firmness by being subjected to such fiery tests.

The great seal affixed to the document represented an empty throne, instead of the usual effigy of a king. The cardinal-legate issued a thundering manifesto at the same time sustaining Mayenne and virulently denouncing the Bearnese. The politicians' party now seized the opportunity to impress upon Henry that the decisive moment was come.

"The surgeon of Otway's regiment: the fellow who attacked me so virulently in the Philadelphian newspaper, on account of the part I felt it my duty to take, against one of the officers, a captain, for a scandalous breach of the privileges of hospitality, in seducing the wife of a very respectable man. This letter is by him.