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"And now tell me how you like it here?" began the detective. Varna answered with a low soft voice, "Oh, I like it very much, sir." As he spoke he looked up at Gyuri, whose eyes still bore their commanding expression. "They treat you kindly here?" "Oh, yes." "The doctor is very good to you?" "Ah, the doctor is so good!" Varna's dull eyes brightened. "And the others are good to you also?"

"But you have made more important inventions than this, haven't you?" he asked when the other stopped talking. Varna's eyes flashed and his voice dropped to a tone of mystery as he answered: "Yes indeed I have. But I did not have time to finish them. For I had become some one else." "Some one else?" "Cardillac," whispered Varna, whose mania was now getting the best of him again. "Cardillac?

"You must see that all the patients are shut up in their cells so that the other attendants are at our disposal if we need them. Varna's room has barred windows, I suppose?" "Yes." "And I suppose also that it has but one door. I believe you told me that your asylum was built on the cell system." "Yes, there is but one door to the room." "Let the four other attendants stand outside this door.

Gyuri glanced distrustfully at this man whom he had met for the first time to-day, but who was no stranger to him for he had already learned the identity of the guest in the rectory. Then he turned his eyes on his master. The latter nodded and said: "Take the gentleman to Varna's room. I will follow shortly." The cell to which they went was the first one at the head of the staircase.

You mean the notorious goldsmith who lived in Paris 200 years ago? Why, he's dead." Varna's pale lips curled in a superior smile. "Oh, yes that's what people think, but it's a mistake. He is still alive I am I have although of course there isn't much opportunity here " Gyuri cleared his throat with a rasping noise.

"And you will please place yourself behind Mr. Varna's chair, not behind mine. It is your eyes that are making him uneasy." The attendant was alarmed and lost control of himself for a moment. "Sir!" he exclaimed in an outburst. "My name is Muller, in case you do not know it already, Joseph Muller, detective. Gyuri Kovacz, you will do what I tell you to! I am master here just now.

"Janci, you are right. I was only trying to test you. Gyuri did not do it; that is, he did not do it with his own hands. The man who held the knife that struck down the pastor was Varna, the crazy mechanician." Janci beat his forehead. "Oh, I am a foolish and useless dreamer!" he exclaimed; "of course it was Varna's hands that I saw.