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I knew I could get two hundred and fifty for him easy, and that Lummox didn't know anythin' of his valoo, and I finally agreed to make the swap even. 'What do you call him? sez I. 'Pegasus, sez he, 'the poet's hoss, on account o' his golden mane, sez he. That made me laff, for I never knew a poet ez could afford to hev a hoss, much less one like that!

Renshaw, ez she's the only prop'ty I've kept by me for seventeen years ez hez paid interest and increased in valoo, it ain't sayin' too much to call her so. And ez Ferrers knows this, he oughter been content with gougin' me in that horse-hair spec, without goin' for Rosey.

The Wanosia and Dakota Crossing Road makes a junction there, and his claim and yourn has doubled in valoo two or three times." "But I suppose mine has been sold under mortgage?" "Under mortgage? Not much. Some of your friends jest sejested to Plausaby he'd better pay two debts of yourn. And he did. He paid Westcott fer the land-warrant, and he paid Minorkey's mortgage.

There's been a talk about our havin' a celebration in the Parnassian Grove, and I think I could work in what your folks don't want and make myself whole by chargin' a small sum for tickets. Broken meats, of course, a'n't of the same valoo as fresh provisions; so I think you might be willin' to trade reasonable." Mr. Peckham paused and rested on his proposal.

For if it wurn't fer spellin'-books and sich occasions as these, where would the Bible be? I should like to know. The man who got up, who compounded this work of inextricable valoo was a benufactor to the whole human race or any other." Here the spectacles fell off.

"Don't disturb the valooable papers," said Dick, in a tone of pretended anxiety. The contents of the wallet excited some amusement among the passengers. "There don't seem to be much money here," said the conductor, taking out a roll of tissue paper cut out in the shape of bills, and rolled up. "No," said Dick. "Didn't I tell you them were papers of no valoo to anybody but the owner?

There's been a talk about our havin' a celebration in the Parnassian Grove, and I think I could work in what your folks don't want and make myself whole by chargin' a small sum for tickets. Broken meats, of course, a'n't of the same valoo as fresh provisions; so I think you might be willin' to trade reasonable." Mr. Peckham paused and rested on his proposal.

"Looks ez ef we woz goin' to travel three thousand miles to open up his d d old wilderness, and then pay for the increased valoo we give it don't it? Oh, yes, certainly!" was their ironical commentary.

There's been a talk about our havin' a celebration in the Parnassian Grove, and I think I could work in what your folks don't want and make myself whole by chargin' a small sum for tickets. Broken meats, of course, a'n't of the same valoo as fresh provisions; so I think you might be willin' to trade reasonable." Mr. Peckham paused and rested on his proposal.

He sat by August and kept up a running commentary, in a loud whisper, on the sermon, "My feller-citizen," said Jonas, squeezing August's arm at a climax of the elder's discourse, "My feller-citizen, looky thar, won't you? He'll cipher the world into nothin' in no time. He's like the feller that tried to find out the valoo of a fat shoat when wood was two dollars a cord.