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If one is in a weakened condition, the uric acid may fail to be oxidized to urea, as occurs normally, or to be thrown off as uric acid. In this case it accumulates in the body, causing rheumatism and related diseases. It thus happens that while some people may use tea and coffee without detriment, others are injured by them.

Frank, who had just re-bandaged the injured limb, asked her what she meant. "I've seen Aunt Juliet," she said, "and I find that she's quite dropped Christian Science and is frightfully keen on Woman's Suffrage. That's always the way with her. When she's done with a thing she simply hoofs it without a word of apology to anyone. It was the same with the uric acid.

The various alkaline salts and solutions, for example, the advertisements of which meet us at every turn, and which are offered to the public as specifics, safely to be taken, without anything so superfluous as the advice of medical men, for all the various evils which are described by the advertisers as gout or as heartburn, or as the consequences of 'uric acid, do unquestionably, in a certain proportion of cases, afford temporary relief from some discomfort or inconvenience.

We can now understand why one stimulant craves another, why it is almost impossible to give up one stimulant without giving up all others as well. From the foregoing it will have become clear that the stimulating effect of alcohol and of many so-called tonics depends upon their power to clear the circulation temporarily of uric and other acids.

He became wary about breakfast as life advanced, and at one time talked much of Dr. Haig and uric acid. But for other meals he remained reasonably omnivorous. He was something of a gastronome, and would eat anything he particularly liked in an audible manner, and perspire upon his forehead.

Of the cases of retention of urine, Fereol mentions that of a man of forty-nine who suffered absolute retention of urine for eight days, caused by the obstruction of a uric acid calculus. Cunyghame reports a ease of mechanic obstruction of the flow of urine for eleven days. Trapenard speaks of retention of urine for seven days.

The acidity can hardly be due to uric acid, as the contents of the upper part of the intestine were often acid. In one case the contents of the gizzard were slightly acid, those of the upper intestines being more plainly acid.

In order to give a better idea of the various phases of uric acid poisoning, I have used the following illustration in some of my lectures: A man may carry a burden of fifty pounds on his shoulders without difficulty or serious discomfort. Let this correspond to the normal solving-power and carrying-capacity of the blood for uric acid.

Fortunately she found out about uric acid just before she actually did the deed, so that was all right. It always is in the end, you know. That's one of the really good points about Aunt Juliet. All the same I wish I could remember that word." "I don't quite see," said Frank, "how they'll stop him landing on Inishbawn if he wants to." "Nor do I; but they will.

Well might poor Robert remember the devastation of his home when Daisy, after the perusal of a little pamphlet which she picked up on a book-stall called "The Uric Acid Monthly," came to the shattering conclusion that her buxom frame consisted almost entirely of waste-products which must be eliminated.