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The sea was calm, and reflected the red glare; while from the source of the lava came continual jets of uprushing incandescent stones.

He and Gunnar were with Ato in the control room when suddenly warning bells began to jangle and red lights flashed on and off. Ato adjusted the largest screen. And there, slowly revolving like an hour-glass of gold amid uprushing sparks of sun and flame, was The Old Ship. Ato pointed to a bright star. "Aldebaran. They are headed there."

The crowd on shore grew silent and solemn before the dread of the possible news of death that might toll in upon their hearts with this uprushing tide. The whalers went out into the Greenland seas full of strong, hopeful men; but the whalers never returned as they sailed forth. On land there are deaths among two or three hundred men to be mourned over in every half-year's space of time.

Grasping the hand-holds of the big white parachutes, the three youths climbed to the edge of the basket, poised for a second, and then leaped off into space. For seconds the Army Boys experienced a terrible series of sensations as they dropped with the speed of light toward the uprushing earth.

The crowd on shore grew silent and solemn before the dread of the possible news of death that might toll in upon their hearts with this uprushing tide. The whalers went out into the Greenland seas full of strong, hopeful men; but the whalers never returned as they sailed forth. On land there are deaths among two or three hundred men to be mourned over in every half-year's space of time.

When the oncoming passenger-train was within three or four hundred yards of the spur track switch and racing toward it at full speed, a man, who seemed to the onlookers to rise up out of the ground in the train's path, ran down the track to meet the uprushing headlight, waving his arms frantically in the stop signal. For an instant that seemed an age, the passenger engineer made no sign.

The green and white of the cotton billowed and foamed about her breasts; the red scarf burned upon her neck; the dark brown velvet of her skin pulsed warm and tremulous with the uprushing blood, and in the midnight depths of her great eyes flamed the mighty fires of long-concealed and new-born love. He darted through the trees and paused, a tall man strongly but slimly made.

At the outbreak the salmon-coloured flames shivered and ducked and then doubled and vanished, and instantly all the staircase was noisily ablaze. Mr. Polly sprang up and backwards, as though the uprushing tongues of fire were a pack of eager wolves. "Good Lord!" he cried like a man who wakes up from a dream. He swore sharply and slapped again at a recrudescent flame upon his leg.

"Oh, God help me to come back to ye!" he moaned dully.... "God help me!" A moment, Tess fought the uprushing tears. "You are coming back, Andy, remember that," she said quickly. Then, she lifted her friend to his feet and kissed him. "Here, sir," she said to the officer, "take him!" Infected by Tessibel's faith, Andy ceased to weep.

That person below could certainly play the piano brilliantly, feelingly, with the touch and insight of an artist. Mrs. De Peyster's soul rose and fell with the soul of the song, and when the piano, after its uprushing, almost human closing cry, fell sharply into silence, she was for the moment that piano's vassal. Then she remembered who was the player.