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If they wilfully persisted in neglecting the means of grace she had conscientiously provided for them, so much the worse for them, not for her; and if Mr. Upjohn found the contemplation of Mrs.

In 1867 the present site was secured, and the brown-stone edifice of the early seventies, designed by Richard Upjohn, was for nearly two generations the ultra-fashionable Episcopal church of the city. In 1905 it was destroyed by fire, and with it, in the flames, perished its artistic contents, among them the decorations made by John La Farge and Augustus Saint Gaudens.

No one ah-ah'd, or oh-oh'd. No one thought twice about it. What difference could it make? If it had been anybody else now! But it was only Phebe Lane. "Miss Phebe!" "Oh, Mr. Halloway!" "Hush. Don't let them know I'm here. I couldn't help peeping in as I went by. You look done up." "I am." "What's going on?" "Come in and see." "Heaven forbid! Gracious! Mrs. Upjohn will think that's a swear.

The same completeness of elementary instruction marks the section on architectural drawing, though in this department we should have liked a fuller and better-chosen series of examples, especially of domestic architecture, an Italian villa planned by Mr. Upjohn being the only really tasteful and appropriate dwelling-house given.

Upjohn he said so, not to the longest day I lived. The longest day won't come now till next year, the twenty-first of June. That's the longest day, ain't it? Mr. Halloway taught me that. My, don't he know a lot! I'm going to be like him when I'm a man. That's who I'm going to be like. And I'm going to love you always. He loves you too, doesn't he, Pheeb?"

Upjohn, and merely kicked out at his caresser, as a warning that he was not to be interrupted. "Fine spirited boy," muttered Mr. Upjohn under his breath. "Very fine. Will make a man some day." "Not so big as you, though, I won't be when I'm a man," declared Olly. "You're too fat." "Now just hear him!" exclaimed Mr. Upjohn, shaking all over with corpulent mirth. "Maybe you would rather be like Mr.

Upjohn, red and perspiring, and remarking how curiously hot the bonfires made the woods at night, waited on his wife with gallant solicitude, lest she should leave a single dish untasted. Mrs. Bruce had left town the day before, and in the absence of any new admiration he always fell back with perfect content upon his old allegiance. Mrs.

He wrote impressing upon Upjohn his great need and urging him to make more strenuous efforts. Now that he was going to die he wanted to leave behind him a published book, and at the back of his mind was the feeling that he had produced great poetry. He expected to burst upon the world like a new star.

He ran into me the other night at the top of the street, and was off without apologising." "You mean the foot of the street, Upjohn," I said; for such is the way to Drury Lane. "No; I mean the top. The man was running west." "East." "West." I smiled, which so annoyed him that he bet me two to one in sovereigns.

"No," answered Phebe, shortly, moving just out of reach of the bland old hand, which stretched itself out to chuck her under the chin, and was left patting the air with infinite benevolence "mother made them." "All wrong," commented Mrs. Upjohn. "All wrong. You should not leave your mother any work that you could spare her. Upjohn in Mr. I don't believe in idleness for girls.