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I never saw a woman to whom you would more readily give credit for perfect chastity. "Lady Clio. 'What am I reading? 'have I drawn nothing lately? is the work-bag finished? how accomplished I am! has the man been to untune the harpsichord? does it look as if I had been playing on it?

So many men whom I know are degraded by their sympathies, their native aims being high enough, but their relation all too tender to the gross people about them. Men cannot afford to live together on their merits, and they adjust themselves by their demerits, by their love of gossip, or sheer tolerance and animal good-nature. They untune and dissipate the brave aspirant.

Eternal happy lover and I die to see you. To SYLVIA. No, were the nation sinking, the great senate of the world confounded, our glorious designs betrayed and ruined, and the vast city all in flames; like Nero, unconcerned, I would sing my everlasting song of love to Sylvia; which no time or fortune shall untune.

If the soil be sometimes barren, then we are sure of being scourged; if it be fruitful, and our care succeeds, we are not thanked; for the proud reader will only say the poor drudge has done his duty. But this is nothing to what follows; for being obliged to make his sense intelligible, we are forced to untune our own verses that we may give his meaning to the reader.

It does but mar and untune the softening influences of nature, which might have been rendered more powerful, perhaps, by some slight touch to remind him of his past day's work, but are blotted out and paralysed by such a mass of horrors. To go back to Homer.

At any rate, in practice, they are what I may call determined inequalitarians; nay, in some cases, even without knowing it. Their natural tendency, from the very base of British society, and through all its strongly built gradations, is to look upward: they are not apt to "untune degree."

"How COULD you, my dear Helen, have so little care of your health, already so much shaken with nursing your brother, as to yield your mind to the maundering of that silly ecclesiastic, and allow his false eloquence to untune your nerves! Remember your health is the first thing positively the FIRST and foremost thing to be considered, both for your own sake and that of your friends.

"How COULD you, my dear Helen, have so little care of your health, already so much shaken with nursing your brother, as to yield your mind to the maundering of that silly ecclesiastic, and allow his false eloquence to untune your nerves! Remember your health is the first thing positively the FIRST and foremost thing to be considered, both for your own sake and that of your friends.

Once it is in an outburst against the devastations of disorder: Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows! each thing meets In mere oppugnancy: the bounded waters Should lift their bosoms higher than the shores, And make a sop of all this solid globe: Strength should be lord of imbecility, And the rude son should strike his father dead: Force should be right; or rather, right and wrong, Between whose endless jar justice resides, Should lose their names, and so should justice too.

When we were once more on horseback, and walking across the grass, my companion was the first to speak. 'Did you ever see such daubs! she said, making a wry face as at something sour enough to untune her nerves. 'Those new pictures are simply frightful. Any one of them would give me the jaundice in a week, if it were hung in our drawing-room. 'I can't say I admire them, I returned.