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Generous he may be, and is, I must admit; but it's not likely that he would have been unselfish enough to put himself in a hole for Mrs. James's happiness, especially as he could have got just as much credit from Barrie by waiting a few weeks say, until the end of the "heather moon."

They placed before themselves the loftiest and most unselfish objects, the restoration of truth and goodness in the Church, and to that they gave their life and all that they had. And what they called on others to be they were themselves.

To George Washington, soldier and statesman, is due above all men the ideal of a federated union, for without his influence that of a noble and unselfish leader the great result would probably never have been secured.

It was queer, she had not thought of it once since; why did she think of it now? but, that day Miss Prudence had come to see her so long ago, the day she found her asleep in her chair, she had been reading in her Sunday school library about some one like Morris, just as unselfish, just as ready to serve Christ anywhere, and perhaps it was foolish and childish she would be ashamed to tell any one beside God about it she had asked him to let some one love her like him, and then she had fallen asleep.

He had done well by his second son, for whom he had saved his money. It was now his first duty to save the property. He regarded himself as being altogether unselfish and virtuous from his point of view. When Mr. Grey had spoken about the laws of his country he had simply smiled, though he was expecting a grievous operation on the following day.

But, nevertheless, she was to me the dearest creature that I have ever met on my wanderings through two continents; a wonderful compound of savagery and goodness of heart, of ungovernable pride and unselfish, devoted affection a child and a heroine. She had given herself to me, and followed me on my journeys from pure inclination, not for the sake of any advantage.

The countess gladly left behind "her palaces, her equipages, society, and riches, for the love of the poet who had won her heart." Unlike the other women who had cared for him, she was unselfish in her devotion. She thought more of his fame than did he himself. Emilio Castelar has written: She restored him and elevated him. She drew him from the mire and set the crown of purity upon his brow.

It seems to me that there never was a time in the history of the country when those interested in education should the more earnestly consider to what extent the mere acquiring of the ability to read and write, the mere acquisition of a knowledge of literature and science, makes men producers, lovers of labour, independent, honest, unselfish, and, above all, good.

There is a selfish motive at the back of nearly every one of them, for the hope of the donors is that by gaining the favour of the mandarins they may obtain some high official position which will enable them to recoup themselves most handsomely for any sums they may have expended in charity. Meng's deeds, however, were always purely unselfish, and no idea of reward ever entered his head.

Oh, isn't that a beautiful poem? Wasn't he noble? Wasn't he grand? Oh, yes, yes, he did right." "By George, I wouldn't have gone away. I'd have gone right into that house, and I would have made things hum. I'd have thrown the other fellow out, lock, stock, and barrel." "That's just like a man, so selfish, only thinking of himself. You don't know the meaning of love great, true, unselfish love."