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And the etiquette of dentistry is as terrible, as unbending, as the etiquette of the Court of Austria. Mr Cowlishaw knew that he could not do this thing without sinning against etiquette. "I'm sorry I can't fall in with your scheme," said he, "but I can't." "But, man!" protested the Scotchman, "it's the greatest scheme that ever was." "Yes," said Mr Cowlishaw, "but it would be unprofessional."

Doctor Bronson cursed in a most undignified and unprofessional manner. Then without further comment he went on and completed the examination. "That'll do," he said, and lent a hand while Lane put on his clothes. It was then he noticed Lane's medal. "Ha! The Croix de Guerre!... Daren, I was a friend of your father's. I know how that medal would have made him feel. Tell me what you did to get it?"

I assure you he shows more talent, more power altogether, in his professional than his unprofessional conduct; and in this particular disease he has now had much experience." "God bless you for saying so, my dear sir! It is like you always generous, always just and kind! You must forgive us, Mr Hope. At a time like this, you must overlook all causes of offence.

I do not know how better to describe my present state than by the use of language which professional men may regard as neither scientific nor accurate, but which will express, I hope, to unprofessional readers the idea I wish to convey, when I say that the entire system seems to me not merely to have been poisoned, but saturated with poison.

Now the engravings in question were certain etchings of the early Great Apprentices of the art, and were, I am happy to believe, extremely rare. From my unprofessional view they were exceedingly bad, showing the mere genesis of something since perfected, but dear, of course, to the true collector's soul. I don't believe that Carmen really admired them either.

Carey called at the Corn Exchange and offered her unprofessional services as a nurse, if further aid were wanted. Mr. Pemberton, acquainted with the fact of Tom Robinson's illness through communicating with Rose Millar on her commission, wrote that he could hardly keep Lady Mary from descending on Redcross to see after their friend, and if it would be the least good she would come down.

"Tell me straight, Sir James will the child live?" The old man's grip on my shoulder tightened just for a moment, and when he spoke it was in an entirely unprofessional voice. "Thanks to two of the bravest and most devoted of women," he said, "I think she will." I dropped my head into my hands. "Please God!" I murmured brokenly. "Of course," he continued, "anything may happen yet.

That doctors get infected with these delusions, and are in their unprofessional capacity as members of the public subject to them like other men, is true; but if we had to decide whether vaccination was first forced on the public by the doctors or on the doctors by the public, we should have to decide against the public.

This unprofessional air ended by striking the observer as the very profession he had adopted, and was indeed, so far as had as yet been indicated, his mimetic capital, his main qualification for the stage.

Nickie's close application to an artistic career as the leading feature of Professor Thunder's Museum of Marvels had lifted him out of what had become an habitual impecuniosity, and in his brief unprofessional moments he wore a whole suit and boots that did not openly advertise his sockless condition.