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Updated: November 26, 2024
In less than an hour she began to watch the road for her grandfather's return. Very soon she saw him coming and he had a small parcel in his hand. Her heart gave a throb of satisfaction and she began to unplait her manifold small braids: "I shall not require to go to bed," she murmured. "Grandfather has my necklace.
The water had washed the flaxen wig away, but the thick braids of her hair were still pinned up tightly, accounting for the shape of the remarkable head about which the Boy had so often, and, as was now evident, so recklessly, jested. Her hair was very wet, and she began deliberately to take it down and unplait it.
But, still not quite in possession of his nerves, little Jon answered boastfully: "I wasn't afraid, really, of course!" And again he lay watching the spears and chariots. It all seemed very long. "Oh! Mum, do hurry up!" "Darling, I have to plait my hair." "Oh! not to-night. You'll only have to unplait it again to-morrow. I'm sleepy now; if you don't come, I shan't be sleepy soon."
In these decorations, and in their hair, they take some pride, the ladies frequently dressing the latter for the gentlemen: thus one may often see, the last thing at night, a damsel of discreet port, demurely go behind a young man, unplait his pig-tail, teaze the hair, thin it of some of its lively inmates, braid it up for him, and retire.
James and I went to our adjoining bedrooms, I asked her if I had done anything I ought not to have done. "No, my dear child," said she, smoothing my hair, which I'd begun to unplait. "Nothing except " and she hesitated. "Except what? Tell me the worst." "There isn't any worst. You did nothing that Mrs. West and I wouldn't like to do, if we could.
The faithful soul had no sooner left his beloved mistress than she proceeded to unplait her long thick hair, smiling the while with happy hope; but she had not yet begun to undress when she heard a knock. She started, flew to the door and hastily bolted it, while she enquired: "Who is there?" preparing herself for the worst. "Hiram," was the whispered reply.
Come, come, get on your dressing-gown and unplait your hair." "Well, you are not very forward," retorted Maggie, hastily reaching her own pink cotton gown, and looking at Lucy's light-brown hair brushed back in curly disorder. "Oh, I have not much to do. I shall sit down and talk to you till I see you are really on the way to bed."
"That's the way invalids always have their hair," was Aggie's laconic reply, and she continued to plait the obstinate curls. "I won't have it like that!" declared Zoie, and she shook herself free from Aggie's unwelcome attentions and proceeded to unplait the hateful pigtail. "Alfred would leave me." Aggie shrugged her shoulders.
The faithful soul had no sooner left his beloved mistress than she proceeded to unplait her long thick hair, smiling the while with happy hope; but she had not yet begun to undress when she heard a knock. She started, flew to the door and hastily bolted it, while she enquired: "Who is there?" preparing herself for the worst. "Hiram," was the whispered reply.
He raised his hands and began to unplait his long pigtail, which, like his "blind" eye, was camouflage a false queue attached to his own hair, which he wore but slightly longer than some Europeans and many Americans. With a small pair of scissors he clipped off his long, snake-like moustaches....
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