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The first board was the Supreme Board of Management. It was called the Directory, and consisted of nine Brethren. The second was the Brethren's ministry of foreign affairs. It was called the Board of Syndics, and managed the Church's relations with governments. The third was the Brethren's treasury. It was called the Unity's Warden's Board, and managed the Church finances.

After a visit to Nearminster, where Miss Unity's library consisted of rows and rows of solemn old brown volumes, Pennie's stories were chiefly religious and biographical, taken, with additional touches of her own, from the lives of bygone worthies.

Miss Unity's welcome was quite as hearty as Betty's, but she too seemed a little odd, and inclined to give nervous glances at the door as though she expected some one to come in. "Would you like us to go and help Betty bring up tea?" asked Nancy, noticing this. "We should like it tremendously if you would let us."

Proceeding farther up the river, accompanied by most of the men and some women, they arrived at a bay, which by the winding of the stream appears like a lake surrounded on all sides with gently rising grounds, well planted with woods of moderate size, chiefly birch. Behind the woods are some low hills. This place they named Unity's Bay.

"Well, it is more cheerful than the best room, Miss," said Betty condescendingly, "though it's small." The pink-chintz room was a tiny apartment opening out of Miss Unity's. She had slept in it herself as a child, and though there was not much pink left in the chintz now, there were still some pictures and small ornaments remaining from that time.

Jacqueline laid her head upon her arm and laughed. It was coming right it was coming right! and next year they would all dance at Fontenoy with light hearts, at Unity's wedding. It had begun to come right the evening of the day that she had met Ludwell Cary in the cedar wood. She wondered, slightly, at that coincidence, and then she fell again to dreaming.

She did not at all approve of Miss Unity's taking up with these new fancies, but to please Pennie she would put up with a good deal. It was with something approaching a smile that she said: "Oh, then, it's the little girl out of Anchor and Hope Alley, isn't it, Miss? Her as Miss Pennie made the clothes for and used to call Kettles?"

Perhaps you know that since I saw you last I have married Martin Cannister. 'How long have you been married? 'About five months. We were married the same day that my dear Miss Elfie became Lady Luxellian. Tears appeared in Unity's eyes, and filled them, and fell down her cheek, in spite of efforts to the contrary.

Brought back to the present by Nancy's deeply frowning glance, she gave a little start and said hurriedly: "Nancy and I have brought some new boots and stockings for Kettles. May we give them to her with the clothes?" "And will she be at the College?" put in Nancy, "or can we go to Anchor and Hope Alley?" Miss Unity's head gave another nervous jerk in the direction of the door.

And then the boys sing, and you feel quite good and just a little bit sad; I can't think why it is that I never feel like that in our church; I suppose it's a cathedral feeling. That's what I like best. Now you, Nancy." "Why," said Nancy without the least hesitation. "I like that little Chinese mandarin that stands on the mantel-piece in Miss Unity's sitting-room, and wags its head."