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There was something baffling in the very atmosphere of Hathelsborough he felt like a man who fights the wind. Everything was elusive, ungraspable, evasive he seemed to get no further forward.

The millions of francs earned by his illustrations gave him everything he wanted but one, that one, in his eyes, worth all the rest. Travel, a splendid studio, largesses he was generosity itself all these were within his reach. The craved-for renown remained ungraspable. Even visits to his favourite resort, Barr, brought disenchantment.

The charm in her which I pursue, yet never overtake, is part and parcel of that ungraspable beauty of the world which forever foils the sense while it sways the spirit of that elusive, infinite splendor of God which flows from afar into all terrestrial things, filling them as color fills the rose.

I went to work now to learn the shape of the river; and of all the eluding and ungraspable objects that ever I tried to get mind or hands on, that was the chief.

He never had supposed for a moment that so large a sum as a hundred dollars was to be found in actual money in any one's possession. If his notions of hidden treasure had been analyzed, they would have been found to consist of a handful of real dimes and a bushel of vague, splendid, ungraspable dollars.

The improvements on that quarter of a million acres, from drain-tiled meadows to dredge- drained tule swamps, from good roads to developed water-rights, from farm buildings to the Big House itself, constituted a sum gaspingly ungraspable to the country-side. Everything was large-scale but modern to the last tick of the clock.

That tree had witnessed the assaults of men in mail how remote such a time seems, and how ungraspable is the fact that real men ever did fight in real armor! and it had seen the time when these broken arches and crumbling battlements were a trim and strong and stately fortress, fluttering its gay banners in the sun, and peopled with vigorous humanity how impossibly long ago that seems! and here it stands yet, and possibly may still be standing here, sunning itself and dreaming its historical dreams, when today shall have been joined to the days called "ancient."

And yet sometimes one gets a hint of what the last scene may be like in the life of a ship and her crew, which resembles a drama in its struggle against a great force bearing it up, formless, ungraspable, chaotic and mysterious, as fate.

She faced many things these two days she planned many things. She was like a generalissimo arranging details of the taking of the enemy's entrenchments before ever the recruiting for his army had begun. She was full of thoughts and intentions as ungraspable and spacious as the Milky Way.

"But, your Honor! a delay of only twenty-four hours in which to prepare a rejoinder to this petition to allegations of such astounding gravity?" he began, shocked into action by the very ungraspable magnitude of the thing. "What more could you ask, Mr. Hunnicott?" said the judge, mildly. "You have already had a full measure of delay on the original petition.