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He performed a dangerous ride from Rosencrantz to the beleagured victor and brought him craved-for provisions. "How is it," inquired President Lincoln of an officer, courier of the details, "that Garfield did in two weeks what would have taken one of your West Pointers two months to accomplish?"

She felt, rather than perceived, the calm and certitude of all the muscular play of him, and she felt, too, the promise of easement and rest that was especially grateful and craved-for by one who had incessantly, for six days and at top-speed, ironed fancy starch. As the touch of his hand had been good, so, to her, this subtler feel of all of him, body and mind, was good.

The millions of francs earned by his illustrations gave him everything he wanted but one, that one, in his eyes, worth all the rest. Travel, a splendid studio, largesses he was generosity itself all these were within his reach. The craved-for renown remained ungraspable. Even visits to his favourite resort, Barr, brought disenchantment.

He moves a little nearer to her at last, and asks with the simplicity and sincerity which befit the hour so fraught with fate, "Will you not reject your father's choice? That which he promised what? shall it hold good? Could you forever give yourself to me? You could hold out your hand to the stranger? I might, after a life of torment, find in your truth the long craved-for peace?"