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We came out a little ahead every year but one. That year the president very unexpectedly called an extra session, and for the first time in twenty years I was in debt to our landlord in Washington." Griscom told me that this simple narrative of a statesman of national reputation seemed to make the monumental achievements of his millionaire guests of little account.

I wondered what the fascination might be which the wretch exercised over her. "To-night I will see you to-night," she cried, and a moment later she was gone, as unexpectedly as she had come. I looked at Kennedy blankly. "What was the purpose of that outburst?" I asked. "I can't say," he replied.

Scratching his chin, he grinned, for he was the kind who bears disappointment with a grin, and sat himself down at the big library table in the centre of the room. Carefully selecting a pen-point, he wrote: "It will be quite obvious to you that I called unexpectedly to-night. The week was up, you see. I take the liberty of leaving under the paperweight at my elbow a two dollar bill.

'You're right it is unlucky, said the voice of Elizabeth, coming unexpectedly into the discussion. 'Elizabeth, I said sternly, 'do you mean to tell me you were listening? She drew herself up with dignity. 'Me listenin'! I've too much to do to go poking myself into other people's bizness. But I wos just comin' in to ask wot you wanted for dinner

They needed sleep, poor things, not having rested for two days and two nights. But my poor friend was more to be pitied than they. Having scorned to follow my example and take rest when he could get the chance, he now found himself unexpectedly called on to do the work of a man when he could not keep his eyes open.

In an instant, a maid-servant came out to receive him. The moment I laid eyes on this woman, it struck me her face was familiar, though I could not recall the place, or time, where, or when, we had before met. The occurrence was so singular, that I was still ruminating on it, when I unexpectedly found myself standing in the tent, face to face with Emily Merton and her father!

Her judgments in most cases were thoroughly just at this period of her life at any rate and sometimes even unexpectedly kindly; and the reason is that she looked at society through the medium of a strong and penetrating kind of common sense, which is more often the gift of clever women than of clever men. If she is masculine, she is, like Mrs.

"Let me hear from you when you come, Simon; and I suppose you will come soon now. You will find me at my house in Southampton Square, and my lady will be glad of your company." I thanked him for his civility, but my face was still clouded. He had seemed to suspect and hint at some taint in the fountain of honour that had so unexpectedly flowed forth. "I can't tell what to make of it," I cried.

Most of the really important things in life such as love and death happen unexpectedly. I know that my escape from Dartmoor did. We had just left the quarries eighteen of us, all dressed in that depressing costume which King George provides for his less elusive subjects and we were shambling sullenly back along the gloomy road which leads through the plantation to the prison.

Thus in parts of the wildest countries of northern Canada I have unexpectedly come upon a birch canoe in capsized suspension between two trees; or a whole bunch of snow-shoes depending fruit-like beneath the fans of a spruce; or a tangle of steel traps thrust into the crevice of a tree-root; or a supply of pork and flour, swathed like an Egyptian mummy, occupying stately a high bier.