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Solomon was not an old man, as we count age, when he died; for he reigned forty years, and was somewhere about twenty when he became king. But it was 'when he was old' that he fell, and that through passion which should have been well under control long before. The sun went down in a thick bank of clouds, which rose from undrained marshes in his soul, and stretched high up in the western horizon.

In the depth of the valley, but hidden by the thicket, ran a noisy stream too noisy to be any thing else than shallow. There had been no frost since the sharp and keen wintry weather in December, and the heavy rains which had fallen since had flooded the stream, and made the lowlands soft and oozy with undrained moisture. My guide and I trudged along in silence for almost a kilometre.

Oxidation has effected it but slightly, and lime and other soluble plant foods remain undissolved even at the grass roots. Swamps and peat bogs are abundant on its undrained surface, and to this drift sheet belong the lake lands of our northern states and of the Laurentian peneplain of Canada. The lake basins of the Wisconsin drift are of several different classes.

Already they numbered more than twelve hundred brethren in England alone; and they were found where they were most needed, in the back slums of the undrained and crowded towns, amongst the hovels of the serfs where plague was raging, where leprosy lingered there were the Franciscans in this the heroic age of their order, before they had fallen from their first love, and verified the proverb Corruptio optimi est pessima.

Agriculture then was in a most backward state; the fields were unenclosed, the lands undrained; the small farmers of Caithness were so poor that they could scarcely afford to keep a horse or shelty; the hard work was chiefly done, and the burdens borne, by the women; and if a cottier lost a horse it was not unusual for him to marry a wife as the cheapest substitute.

Around the Moravian Mission stations wooden houses had largely replaced the former "tubiks," or skin tents, which were moved as occasion required and so provided for sanitation. These wooden huts were undrained, dark and dirty to a remarkable degree. No water supply was provided, and the spaces between the houses were simply indescribable garbage heaps, presided over by innumerable dogs.

The file again formed itself, and slowly they wound their way out from the small enclosure by which the hut was surrounded; out from the enclosure on to a rough scrap of undrained pasture ground from which the trees had been cleared. In a few minutes they were once more struggling through the mud. The name of the spot which our travellers had just left is Carablanco.

What an important question here remains to be settled! and how is it to be settled while people are unclean and towns undrained? Astronomers have given good proof of activity during the present year, by the discovery of four new planets and one new comet two of them by Mr Hind, who has now the merit of having discovered half a dozen of these minor members of our planetary system.

And so it continues until the fall of the year, except when the temperature of the summer may be unusually high, and then low fever and cholera prevail in low, marshy, crowded, or undrained districts. Those cases which have received relief for the longest period may be taken first. The technicalities of the report may be made up from existing documents.

A tumble-down archway, leaning to one side like a lame hen, gave access to a dark passage, dank with moisture, whereon the door of the house gave some eighteen feet up on the left. The unpaved street, undrained and unutterably filthy, was ankle-deep in mud, even at the close of this hot August day.