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He gave a long order in careful words down through the tube to the turret; and, coming up to position, we fired at the cruiser for the last time, hitting her low down in the very centre of her engine-room. A great volume of steam gushed up from her deck, with clouds of smoke and fire; and as all shooting from her small arms ceased, we went out to the gallery, and the boats were cast free.

"Take my advice, and don't walk any more, but catch the night train for New York." Poor Colin! But there was no appeal. The end of our trip had come, suddenly, unreasonably, stupidly, like this. "So we've got to be shot into New York like a package through a tube, after all!" said Colin. "No lordly gates of the Hudson for us! What a fool I feel, to be the one to spoil our trip like this!"

I believe that most of the soldiers in this ward were from Iowa and Indiana. One I remember particularly, a captain of cavalry, who was shot through the throat and had to receive nourishment by means of a rubber tube inserted for the purpose. A young man in a blue and yellow uniform an aide or orderly remained at his side day and night until he died.

The heavy pistol swung upward until the dark tube gaped somberly into the small man's eyes. "I've got loads of time, but I don't feel like wasting it," said Lawler. "You've got one minute to come clean. Keep your traps shut for that time and I bore you both and chuck you outside!" His smile might have misled some men, but the small man had correctly valued Lawler.

Anatomists speak of an outer or external ear, a middle ear, drum, or tympanum, and an inner ear, or labyrinth. The external, middle, and internal ear are separated by dotted lines. Into it opens 5, Eustachian tube, leading from back of throat; 4, membrana tympani or drum-head, closing the middle ear off from the external ear.

The top o' this one was about four feet higher than the floor, and it was a good two feet through. The water round their house came almost to the top of the door. Mr. Beaver, when he wanted to go into his house, used to dive and come up through the tube, then he would shake himself, and slide down to his floor, which was always dry.

A similar problem is involved in apparatus like the ordinary Soxhlet extractor, where a small tube is joined to the side of a large one, bent to form a siphon, and attached again to a continuation of the original large tube. The difficulty in all such cases is to provide for the contraction taking place as the last joint cools.

Connect the binding post end of the primary coil with one post of the variable condenser, connect the other post of this with one of the posts of the .00025 mfd. condenser and the other end of this with the grid of the detector tube; then around this condenser shunt the grid leak resistance. Simple Regenerative Receiving Set.

Just the way I feel about you passenger gents who don't know a rocket tube from a ray-gun nozzle." "Look, Manning," returned James. "No need to get sore, just because you couldn't do any better than the Space Cadets." "Blast off," shouted Roger, "before I fuse your jets." Tom spoke up. "I think you'd better go, Captain." "I've got six men outside," sneered the other. "I'll go when I'm ready."

When a soul draws a body in the great lottery of life, where every one is sure of a prize, such as it is, the said soul inspects the said body with the same curious interest with which one who has ventured into a "gift enterprise" examines the "massive silver pencil-case" with the coppery smell and impressible tube, or the "splendid gold ring" with the questionable specific gravity, which it has been his fortune to obtain in addition to his purchase.