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Before starting upon their journey the sheik said to Edgar, "On our journey here we travelled by unfrequented tracks, and it was sufficient to cover you up so that none who passed us should notice you; but it will be different now, therefore we must dress you in our own fashion. Your hair can never be made to look like ours and must be bound in a turban.

It reproved the intemperance of their ambition, and darkened the splendor of victory. The scene is closed, and we are no longer anxious lest misfortune should sully his glory. He has travelled on to the end of his journey, and carried with him an increasing weight of honor; he has deposited it safely, where misfortune can not tarnish it, where malice can not blast it.

The morning of the Handicap dawned clear and bright, the last day of September, and Dartie who had travelled to Newmarket the night before, arrayed himself in spotless checks and walked to an eminence to see his half of the filly take her final canter: If she won he would be a cool three thou. in pocket a poor enough recompense for the sobriety and patience of these weeks of hope, while they had been nursing her for this race.

"I go to the neighbourhood sometimes for fishing. You will let me call upon you?" "Who else has such a right?" "Then you will accept my offer?" "I feel that I must. Yes, Hugh; yes, with deepest gratitude." The next day she went down by the night-mail to Scotland. With her travelled Mrs. Vimpany and Fanny Mere. THE proceedings of Lord Harry after he had sent off that cheque were most remarkable.

We had this morning to cross the river Nurbuda, which, with the preparations for doing so, occupied two hours. 26th February. Rostampoor. Between this place and Simarola, the land is rather barren, and also very thinly inhabited; we often travelled several miles without seeing a village. 27th February. Today we were gratified with the prospect of a fertile country and beautiful mountains.

So the bowsprit of the 'Adhemar' was turned homewards; and with every league of water they left behind them his excitement and impatience seemed to grow. "I can't wait to show it to you, Honora to see you in it," he exclaimed. "I have so long pictured you there, and our life as it will be." They had travelled through the night, and in the early morning left the express at a junction.

Looking along the roadway that we have travelled we see the landmarks, great and small, which have determined the direction of our feet. For some those of childhood stand out above all the rest; but I remember few notable ones, and those few the emphatic chord of the universe, rather than any commerce with my fellows.

Travels of Rabbi Benjamin of Tudela, through Europe, Asia, and Africa, from Spain to China, between A.D. 1160 and 1173 . This Spanish Jew was the son of Rabbi Jonas, of Tudela, a small town in Navarre. According to the testimony of Rabbi Abraham Zuka, a celebrated professor of astronomy at Salamanca, it is supposed that Rabbi Benjamin travelled from 1160 to 1173.

After the escape narrated in the last chapter, the stout Esquimau and his companions travelled in safety; for they had passed the country of the Indians, and were now near the lands of their own people. But if Maximus had not now to fight with men, he was not exempted from doing fierce battle with the elements of these inhospitable climes.

There still was a piece of the ice remaining, and as the interest in the bathtub had begun to drag I handed it to one of my audience. He yelled as though I had thrust into his hand a drop of vitriol, and, leaping in the air, threw the ice on the floor and dared any one to touch it. From the "personal" boys who had travelled to Matadi the Mission boys had heard of ice. But none had ever seen it.