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The offending cap was a net scarf tied under the chin, and I said, "You know I am subject to quinsy, and this cap protects my tonsils."

Inordinate anxiety was felt by all for the ills of the one; and for days the "I" would be forgotten if any member of the home-circle was "sick." And the concerns of the patient, whether suffering from a cold, sore eyes, a sprained ankle, or "had her tonsils out," were discussed with minuteness of detail worthy an International Conference.

There is one circumstance of not unfrequent occurrence, which will at once decide the case the presence of indigestible matter, probably small in quantity, in the back part of the mouth. This speaks volumes as to the depraved appetite of the patient, and the loss of power in the muscles of the pharynx. Little will depend on the tonsils of the throat.

If the woman was really sick, he had to get to her at once, and even that might be too late. He remembered the woman, sickly from other treatment. He'd been forced to remove her inflamed tonsils a few months before. She'd whined and complained because he couldn't spend all his time attending her. She was a nag, a shrew, and a totally selfish woman. But that was her husband's worry, not his.

Select some topic in which you think your lady friend will be interested, such as, for example, the removal of tonsils and adenoids, and "read up" on the subject so that you can discuss it in an intelligent manner. Find out, for example, how many people had tonsils removed in February, March, April. Contrast this with the same figures for 1880, 1890, 1900.

I had caught it, you know, and there was no shaking it out. When you once catch a cold, it sticks. There is something growing in my throat. Tonsils, mother calls it, I believe; but I guess it won't amount to much." "Does it hurt?" "Oh, no! It was awful in the night, though. You see I could not get out yesterday for the rain." "No more could I."

Red Umbrella opens the round, brown eyes that Baby's are so unlike in shape and expression, and shrugs her pretty shoulders as high as the big ruby buttons that blaze in her pretty ears. "Me and Baby are only visiting stopping with her nurse and my two maids for a change at the Herion Arms me having been recommended sea-air by the doctors for tonsils in the throat.

I was concerned. "Hasn't she come clustering round you yet?" "She has not." "Very odd." "Why odd?" "She must have noted your lack of appetite." He barked raspingly, as if he were having trouble with the tonsils of the soul. "Lack of appetite! I'm as hollow as the Grand Canyon." "Courage, Tuppy! Think of Gandhi." "What about Gandhi?" "He hasn't had a square meal for years."

It is possible that the enormously increasing number of children with adenoids and enlarged tonsils, who need operative measures for their removal, may have these conditions aggravated by too much exposure to the inclemency of variable, harsh weather.

It was probably the same disease that in a less frightful form had been not uncommon in that country and in the lower parts of Syria. The physician Aretæus describes it under the name of ulcers on the tonsils.