United States or Jamaica ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

There is not the hustle that may be seen further north, but the results of Cuban activity, measured in dollars or in tons, fairly dispute the notion of any national indolence. When two and a half million people produce what is produced in Cuba, somebody has to work. The British colonists in America were in large measure self-governing. This is notably true in their local affairs.

IV But on a day of wonder came ashining on the deep, A royal Splendour, proud with sail, and generous roar of guns; She passed us, and we gaped and stared. Her lofty bows were steep, And deep she rode the waters deep with a weight of countless tons.

Six sheathed and coppered cruisers of about 2,500 tons trial displacement, to have the highest speed compatible with good cruising qualities, great radius of action, and to carry the most powerful ordnance suited to vessels of their class. Estimated cost, exclusive of armament, $1,141,800 each.

This is true even when the force leaves the body as it found it, in a state of absolute rest; as when we attempt to raise a body of three tons’ weight with a force equal to one ton.

The following year I planted four acres, and for twenty-six successive years thereafter we added to the area planted, until our holdings reached past the five-hundred-acre mark and our production was more than four hundred tons a year. None of us knew anything about the hop business, and it was entirely by accident that we engaged in it.

One mentioned a case of two cargoes of potatoes just taken from Dundrum for America, the vessel which took them having brought over six hundred tons of hay from America. They were breezy, out-of-door men, both of them.

To this expedition belongs the honour of having discovered the first land to the south of the Antarctic Circle Peter I. Island and Alexander I. Land. The next star in the Antarctic firmament is the British seaman, James Weddell. He made two voyages in a sealer of 160 tons, the Jane of Leith, in 1819 and 1822, being accompanied on the second occasion by the cutter Beaufoy.

I cannot recall the extra figures, but Lloyd George's phrases ran something like this: "This report states that in Chemnitz last year there were sold in the shops two thousand tons of horse-flesh. These are not my figures, mind, but those of the Consul-General. I commend the figures to excited members opposite.

Karna continued in this way, but Lasse was always sparing with his words, until they arrived at the Rockingstone, where the others were standing waiting. That was a block and a half! Fifty tons it was said to weigh, and yet Mons and Anders could rock it by putting a stick under one end of it.

He adds that the submarines will cut the thread which holds the English Damocles' sword over weak sea powers and that for eternity the "gruesome hands" of English despotism will be driven from the seas. Germany's submarine warfare which was introduced in February, 1915, began by sinking less than 50,000 tons of ships per month.