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In the pantry, to which they tiptoed, they found cold tongue and ham, bread and butter, with which they hurriedly made several sandwiches apiece. It was not much of a breakfast, but their appetites were those of youth and they enjoyed it. Letting themselves out of the back door of the sleeping house, they started on a trot for the little private beach, a good half mile away.

Alice placed her finger on her lips. "Yes let 'em sleep," whispered the Clown. He rose, drew on his brogans and tiptoed noiselessly out to the ashes of the dead fire. With the crackling of a blaze freshly built, the rest awoke. The second day of their flight had begun. It was rough and slow going along the shore of Bear Pond, with the exception of the spit of sand on which they had camped.

Something that sounded very much like suppressed laughter came up to him, and in order to confirm his suspicions, he tiptoed down to the landing and, making an undignified syphon of himself, peered down into the rear passage.

Pepsy had a fever all that night, but toward morning she fell asleep, and Aunt Jamsiah, who had watched her through the night, tiptoed into the little room under the eaves and out again to tell Pee-wee that he had better wait, that all Pepsy needed now was rest. "Can't I just look at her?" Pee-wee asked.

You needn't wait I'll call you if I want you, You've told me what I wanted to know." Again Jack bent over Garry, his heart wrung with pity and dismay. He was still there when the door opened softly and a servant entered, tiptoed to where he stood, and whispered in his ear: "Mrs. Minott says, sir, that Mr. McGowan and another man are downstairs."

She wrapped the doll in a threadbare shawl, as well as she could, tiptoed to the door and listened a moment to the feeble breathing of the sick mother within. Then she went out, shutting the door softly behind her, lest she wake her.

And his assertion seemed to have reason enough, for the rancher's sharp tones were now mingling with the harsher note of the other, and both had raised their voices again. Tresler waited for nothing now. He tiptoed to the door and stood listening. Then he crept silently out into the hall and stole along toward the blind man's office.

My brother stood erect, and tiptoed swiftly across Charlemagne's Ride, and we followed. We must have crawled for an hour before we came to the ravine. It was a deep, narrow ditch with steep sides, full of undergrowth and brambles.

He tiptoed out, all a-smile. His wife's dressing-room had been a "holy of holies" to this simple-minded old man, and Frances reminded him every day, more and more strongly, of the woman whom he had worshiped for a few happy years. Frances did not hasten with her preparations, however. She sat down and spread the gewgaws out before her on the dresser.

He pulled his gun and softly unlocked the door. There was no one in the hall and no one on the narrow stairway to the right. He tiptoed to the window, climbed out, and let himself down to the shed-roof. From the roof he dropped to the alley, glanced round, and then ran. Pete locked the door and went back to his chair in front of the window.