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Balbilla longed to see Verus content once more, and she therefore came forth from her hiding place. As soon as he saw her he altered the expression of his features and cried out as brightly as ever: "Welcome, fairest of the fair!" She made believe not to recognize him, but, as she passed him and bowed her curly head, she said gravely and in deep tones: "Good day to you, Timon."

Ah! what a wholesale hanging of socialists would gladden my eyes!" Mr. Murray bowed to his cousin as he spoke, and rising, took his favorite position on the rug. "Really, Aunt Ellen, I would advise you to have him re-christened, under the name of Timon," said Mr. Allston. "No, no.

"Not quite, but they bothered us only once more and then they managed to get us into a corner, where it would have been the last of me had it not been for the lieutenant and Timon. I tell you " The captain stopped short and smiled. He had seen the protesting expression on the face of the young officer, and said: "We'll keep that story till some time when he isn't present.

Once, when Alkibiades had made a successful speech in the public assembly, and was being conducted home in triumph by his friends, Timon the misanthrope met him, and did not get out of his way, as he did to every one else, but came up to him and took him by the hand, saying, "Go on, my boy, increase in glory; for your increase will bring ruin to all this crowd."

As for the Cigarette, I never knew a man so altered. "We have been taken for pedlars again," said he. "Good God, what it must be to be a pedlar in reality!" He particularized a complaint for every joint in the landlady's body. Timon was a philanthropist alongside of him.

"Never, but I may perhaps study the character for my approaching tour in the United States. My other Shakespearian characters, besides those in which I have already appeared in Paris, are Coriolanus, Shylock, and Timon of Athens.

"Then," said Alcibiades, "I will thank thee to relieve me of Timandra, who is as tired of me as I am of her." Timon winced horribly, but his word was his bond, and Timandra accompanied him to his cavern, where at first she suffered much inconvenience from the roughness of the accommodation.

Beside these literary pursuits we know not what obscure means for support she may have found from time to time. One scans the dramatis personae of "Timon" in vain for the character of Chloe, until one recalls that the eighteenth century had no liking for Shakespeare undefiled.

"Enter," said the second senator, "and slay every tenth man, if your revenge needs human flesh." "Spare the cradle," said the first senator. "I ask only justice," said Alcibiades. "If you admit my army, I will inflict the penalty of your own laws upon any soldier who breaks them." At that moment a soldier approached Alcibiades, and said, "My noble general, Timon is dead."

And this epitaph was made by himself while yet alive; that which is more generally known is by Callimachus: Timon, the misanthrope, am I below. Go, and revile me, traveler, only go. Thus much of Timon, of whom much more might be said. Canidius now came, bringing word in person of the loss of the army before Actium.