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Every word showed her afresh that her letters had been the landmarks of his Scotch weeks, the chief events of his summer; and every word quickened a new remorse. At last she could bear it no longer. She broke abruptly on his talk. "Mayn't I know what's happened at Threlfall? Your mother told me you had heard."

Penfold sat amid explanations and embraces, more feather-headed and inconsequent even than usual, but happy, because Lydia caressed her, and this handsome though pale young man on the hearthrug kissed her hand and even, at command, her still pink cheek; and it seemed there was to be a marriage only not the marriage there should have been a substitution, clearly, of Threlfall for Duddon?

"I'm waiting for my wife," said the other man. "I am not," said Drayton, and felt that he had scored. The other man's smile allowed him the point he made. "Yes, but my wife happens to be Lady Victoria Threlfall." The other man laughed as if he had made by far the better joke. Drayton recognized Mr.

She and Lady Victoria Threlfall were to march on foot before the Car of Victory from Blackfriars Bridge along the Embankment, through Trafalgar Square and Pall Mall and Piccadilly to Hyde Park Corner. And Michael and Nicholas would march beside them to hold up the poles of the standard which, after all, they were not strong enough to carry. She thought of Drayton who had not stuck it out.

"Where am I?" He turned his bandaged head stiffly toward the nurse beside him. "In Threlfall Tower the house of Mr. Edmund Melrose," she said, bending over him. The nurse saw him smile. "That's queer. What happened?" His companion gave him a short account of the accident and of Undershaw's handling of it.

All the way from Pengarth we've hardly seen a house, or a light! and we've been driving nearly an hour. You don't expect me to live here, Edmund!" The tone was hysterical. "Don't be a fool, Netta! Doesn't it ever rain in your infernal country, eh? This is my property, my dear, worse luck! I regret it but here we are. Threlfall has got to be my home so I suppose it'll be yours too."

She knew that before she reached Whitebeck she would have passed the boundary between the Duddon and Threlfall estates. She was now indeed on her father's land, the land which in justice ought to be hers some day; which in Italy would be hers by law, or part of it anyway, whatever pranks her father might play. But here in England a man might rob his child of every penny if he pleased.

Felicia's head was no sooner on the pillow than she plunged into sleep. Netta, on the other hand, was for a long time sleepless. The luxury of the bed and the room was inexpressibly delightful and reviving to her. Recollections of a small bare house in the Apuan Alps above Lucca, and of all that she and Felicia had endured there, ran through her mind, mingled with visions of Threlfall as she had known it of old, its choked passages the locked room from which she had stolen the Hermes the great table in Edmund's room with its litter of bric-

Penfold confessed that, being a timid person, she went in fear, sometimes of Mr. Melrose, sometimes of his bloodhounds. She did not like passing the gate of Threlfall, and the high wall round the estate made her shudder. Of course the person that put up that wall must be mad. "A queer sort of madman!" said Tatham, with a shrug.

Behind the Car of Victory came the eighteen prisoners with Lady Victoria Threlfall and Dorothea at their head, under the immense tricolour standard that Michael and Nicholas carried for them.