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Chief among leaders stand John Smith, Bradford, Penn, Bienville and Oglethorpe, and chief among settlements, Jamestown, Plymouth, New York, Massachusetts Bay, Wilmington, Philadelphia, New Orleans and Savannah. The several movements, in their failures as in their successes, were distributed over a century and three-quarters, but since the coming of Columbus a much longer period had elapsed.

I'll have that, and then you four men will have a cigar and three-quarters apiece, and you must divide them according to taste." As this was going on, Mark stood gazing toward the ship, and as he looked he saw a white handkerchief waved. It was too far off to be sure who waved that handkerchief, but it was either Mrs Strong, the major's wife, or Mary O'Halloran.

Look at me, sir; I've suffered more in that garden than mortal man would believe!" "Oh, have you!" said the doctor, taking off his glasses. "You don't look so very bad, Daniel, for a man of sixty-five." "Sixty-four and three-quarters, begging your pardon, sir; but I have suffered.

After removing all soft berries, wash thoroughly; place for about two minutes in scalding water, remove, and to every pound of fruit add three-quarters of a pound of granulated sugar and a half pint of water; stew together over a moderate but steady fire. Be careful to cover and not stir the fruit, but shake the vessel.

"And you say the satellite is three-quarters solid copper?" asked Connel. "Yes, sir," replied Roger, "at least that's what Loring and Mason told us." "Where is it?" asked Connel. "I mean, where exactly?" "I spotted her coming in, sir," replied Roger. "I'd say she was about three hundred thousand miles outside of Tara in perfect orbit."

This time answers came to his challenge, but not in confirmation. The Baron spoke with a gasping gentleness. 'So you trifle with me? I'm dangerous for that game. Mind you of Blass- Gesell? I made a better beast of him by sending him three-quarters of the road to hell for trial. Bellowing, 'Take that! he discharged a broad blade, hitherto concealed in his right hand, straight at Rothhals.

There is nothing more mournful than the outward aspect of these princely residences which, abandoned and empty for three-quarters of the year, stand in stately loneliness, as if ashamed of their isolation and utter uselessness.

Readers which have been recognized as formers of good habits of action, thought, and speech for three-quarters of a century, which have taught a sound morality to millions of children without giving offense to the most violent sectarian, which have opened the doors of pure literature to all their users, are surely worthy of study as to their origin, their successive changes, and their subsequent career.

A. One o' their Lieutenants came out and ordered them back to their quarters, and I deployed the company in a skirmish-line, and started 'em through the brush toward Brigade Headquarters. About three-quarters o' the way Osc Brewster and Ol Perry, when going through a thicket, heard a boy boo-hooing.

At two p.m. they entered Great Slave River, here three-quarters of a mile wide, and, passing Red Deer Islands and Dog River, encountered the rapids, overcome by seven or eight portages, from the Casette to the Portage of the Drowned, all varying in length from seventy to eight hundred yards.