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In about twenty minutes she was nearly on her beam ends, when all the temporary stanchions which had been fixed to keep the deck from yielding gave way like a regiment of black militia in chase of Obie, or Three-fingered Jack in the Whee Mountains, when they are in full retreat.

It's three-fingered Mac Alarney, by the Lord!" Blaine started from his chair. "Why did I not think of him before! Doctor, you have rendered to me and to my client an invaluable service, which shall not be forgotten. Mac Alarney is a retired prize-fighter, in close touch with all the political crooks and grafters in the city.

The musicians with three-fingered pipes and two-stringed violins are drawn up in the centre of the ring, when each gallant placing his arms under those of the damsels on either side, and interlacing his fingers with theirs, they all move slowly around in the immense circle, singing at the same time a sort of accompaniment to the instrumental music, swinging the body gracefully backwards and forwards, and rising on the toes in such a way as to communicate an undulating motion to the whole ring as it goes round.

Four or five bandits were cooking their breakfast over the fire; and Three-Fingered Jack lay at a little distance, sprawled full-length in the morning sunshine like a basking rattlesnake. The mare raised her head; her ears went forward, and Murieta glanced up in time to see the rangers riding in across the pale saffron ridges from three sides. They came at a dead run.

"They're all great boozers," he said, in summing them up. "Tim is a ward heeler in Buffalo came to see me at the stage-door loaded to the gunnels. Tom is a greasy, three-fingered brakeman on the Central. Fannie married a carpenter and has about seventeen young ones. Mary died, you know?" "No, I didn't know." "Yes, died about four years ago. She was like mother a nice girl.

To make short of a long tale, I will say that the result of the long parley, in which Miss Woppit exhibited a most charming maidenly embarrassment, was that Three-fingered Hoover and Barber Sam were admitted to the cabin for the night.

So I suppose you're going to tell me that you are close buddies with Three-Fingered Brown, Chance, Tinker and Evans I mean, Evers and all of those fellows? "'No, I said. 'I don't know them. But some day I'll be playing with them, or against them, because I'm going to get in the Big Leagues. "'Where are you going now? asked the firemen. "'Back home to Cleveland, I told them.

Finally Miss Woppit retired to her own delectable bower in the kitchen with the parting remark that she would sleep in a sense of perfect security; this declaration flattered her protectors, albeit she had no sooner closed the door than she piled the kitchen woodbox and her own small trunk against it a proceeding that touched Three-fingered Hoover deeply and evoked from him a tender expression as to the natural timidity of womankind, which sentiment the crafty Barber Sam instantly indorsed in a tone loud enough for the lady to hear.

We had covered its length and were now at its farthest western end, at the mouth of Lockhart's River. How I did wish that explorers would post up the names of the streets; it is almost as bad as in New York City. What a lot of time we might have saved had we known that Sandy Bay was in Back's three-fingered peninsula! Resolving to set a good example I left a monument at the mouth of the river.

"Look," she said, "look at that man down the road. He has been tracking you two ever since you left the cabin. Do you know who he is?" "No!" "Then listen. It is three-fingered Dick, one of the escaped road agents. I know him!" "Let us go and warn her," said Cass, eagerly. Miss Porter laid her hand upon his shoulder. "I don't think she'll thank you," she said, dryly.