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Both John and Mary laughed and demurred. "You don't think?" asked the smiling visitor. "Me, I dunno, I fine one thing. If a man don't die fum one thing, yet, still, he'll die fum something. I 'ave study that out, Mistoo Itchlin. 'To be, aw to not be, thaz the queztion, in fact. I don't ca'e if you live one place aw if you live anotheh place, 'tis all the same, you've got to pay to live!"

"Thaz the way, sometime," he said, and then with sudden gravity: "And, by-the-by, Misses Wiley, speakin' of Mistoo Itchlin, if you could baw' me two dollahs an' a 'alf juz till tomaw mawnin till I kin sen' it you fum the office Because that money I've got faw Mistoo Itchlin is in the shape of a check, and anyhow I'm c'owding me a little to pay that whole sum-total to Mistoo Itchlin.

I noticed the perfection of his dress; evidently he had not as yet loosed as much as a shoestring. And then I observed also that the visitor so close before him was without his shoes. "Good-evening or, good-morning, perchance," said Fontenette. "I suepose thaz a great thing to remove those old stain' that chloroform, eh?" "Ach! it iss you? Ach, you must coom coom undt hellup me!

'Theh was a soun' of wibalwy by night, W'en 'Ush-'ark! A deep saun' stwike' ? Thaz by Lawd By'on. Yesseh. Well" The Creole lifted his right hand energetically, laid its inner edge against the brass buttons of his képi, and then waved it gracefully abroad: "Au 'evoi', Mistoo Itchlin. I leave you to defen' the city."

He never found out how well I knew. "Fontenette, I'll tell you what to do with it." "No, you don't need; I know whad thad is. An' thaz the same I want me. Only you thing thad wou'n' be hasking her too much troub'?" "No, indeed. There's nothing else you could name that she'd be so glad to do." When I told Senda I had said that, the tears stood in her eyes. "Ah, sat vass ri-ight!

Phelps would ask, at two-minute intervals. And Joe, hunched lazily over the reins, would respond huskily: "Sure. Thaz th' ole man." And presently they did turn a corner, and find, in a great gash of clearing, a low, rambling structure only a little better than the cow sheds, with wide, unpainted porches all about it, and a straggling line of out-houses near by.

The unresponding Doctor closed his eyes in unutterable weariness of the innocent young gentleman's prepared speeches. "Yesseh. 'Tis a beaucheouz notiz. I fine that w'itten with the gweatez accu'acy of diction, in fact. I made a twanslation of that faw my hant. Thaz a thing I am fon' of, twanslation.