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"Art tha' th' little wench from India?" he asked. Mary nodded. "Then no wonder tha'rt lonely. Tha'lt be lonelier before tha's done," he said. He began to dig again, driving his spade deep into the rich black garden soil while the robin hopped about very busily employed. "What is your name?" Mary inquired. He stood up to answer her.

Mary was rather frightened until she heard Colin's answer. "Nothing really ails them," he said, "but they are so thin and weak. They shake so that I'm afraid to try to stand on them." Both Mary and Dickon drew a relieved breath. "When tha' stops bein' afraid tha'lt stand on 'em," Dickon said with renewed cheer. "An' tha'lt stop bein' afraid in a bit."

"One of the things I am going to do, after the Magic works and before I begin to make scientific discoveries, is to be an athlete." "We shall have thee takin' to boxin' in a week or so," said Ben Weatherstaff. "Tha'lt end wi' winnin' th' Belt an' bein' champion prize-fighter of all England." Colin fixed his eyes on him sternly. "Weatherstaff," he said, "that is disrespectful.

Tha'lt make a mon yet. God bless thee!" Dickon held Colin's arm strongly but the boy had not begun to falter. He stood straighter and straighter and looked Ben Weatherstaff in the face. "I'm your master," he said, "when my father is away. And you are to obey me. This is my garden. Don't dare to say a word about it!

"Well, if tha' doesn't go out tha'lt have to stay in, an' what has tha' got to do?" Mary glanced about her. There was nothing to do. When Mrs. Medlock had prepared the nursery she had not thought of amusement. Perhaps it would be better to go and see what the gardens were like. "Who will go with me?" she inquired. Martha stared. "You'll go by yourself," she answered.

I stepped along in silence beside her, she taking three steps for my one, and giggling to sicken a man. "Tha'lt never get a sweetheart," she said by and by. "Oh! and why not?" I asked. "'Cos tha'rt such a great big feller," she said. "What in the name of all that's wonderful has that to do with it?" The minx looked archly up into my face. "Tha'rt too high for a maid to kiss," says she.