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"While in Kern County last April, I was informed by a reliable man who lives near the Tejon Rancho that he had counted twenty-five condors in a single day, since January 1 of the present year. These were on the Tejon Rancho, which is an enormous cattle range covering parts of the Tehachapi and San Emigdio Mountains.

In truth, it developed that there was plenty of hauling to keep both outfits busy, and Jerkline Jo was making money hand over fist, as was every one who had services to offer or something to sell. Tehachapi Hank no longer stood like an ogre guarding the portals to the mountain pass. Drummond had been beaten on that deal, and the gunman's removal was an admission of defeat.

Donna Corblay owned it, worked it in her spare moments and made it pay. You see, San Pasqual lies just south of Tehachapi pass, and about five days in every week, the year round, the north wind comes whistling down the pass. When it strikes the open desert it appears to become possessed of an almost human disposition to spurt and get by San Pasqual as quickly as possible.

Five minutes later she heard it pull out of San Pasqual, with many a short and labored gasp, casting a lurid gleam across the desert as it sped northward into Tehachapi Pass, carrying Bob McGraw forth to battle, to fight for his land and his Pagans. When the last dim flicker of the green tail lights had disappeared Donna retired to her room and cried herself to sleep.

Southern California, by which is understood all of the State south of the Tehachapi Mountains, was mostly settled by and is still to a great extent the objective point of people from the East and Middle West. Most of them came in search of health and brought a competency sufficient for their needs.

The others managed to keep their masks on." "Tehachapi Hank and Al Drummond them other two was," said McAllen positively. "Too bad it wasn't one o' them you knocked the mask off of, Wild Cat." "And you never saw this fella that you got a look at?" asked Schultz. Hiram shook his head. "I didn't even see him well," he added.

What she said was: "Will you accept my check?" "Certainly, ma'am most certain," was the ready reply. "I'll go back to my wagon and write one for you then," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "Let the wagons go on, please. When mine reaches you I'll hand out the check." Tehachapi Hank touched his broad-brimmed hat again. "All right and proper, ma'am," he assured her.

But Baby Jean was only two years old. "Hong Duo was the chink a grinnin' yenshee hound from up beyond the Tehachapi way up up toward the Sierra Nevadas, in the placer country. White prospectors ner white miners don't often work with chinks. Chinks is only good for workin' tailin's when it comes to mines.

If only we can destroy the original and Hooker's copy, we can hold Hooker a prisoner till we get at Jerkline Jo and find out what's on her head. Then we can hog it all and beat it." "Well well, how'll we begin? You got me beat, Lucy. You're a better schemer than I am. What's to be done first?" "Beat it in your car to the mountains and get Tehachapi and the other roughnecks.

But engineering skill in the construction of railroads has overcome the barrier upon the north which separates California from Oregon. The Sierra Nevada range upon the east has been crossed at Donner Pass, and upon the south an outlet has been found through the Tehachapi Pass. In the state of Oregon, the city of Portland ranks first in importance.