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The principal reason for this is the fact that beginners, 85% of whom are nervous, extremely so, will naturally not immerse their faces, and as this stroke must be swum with the face under water it will readily be seen why I differ with the coaches referred to. The crawl, like all other strokes in swimming, must be done slowly to attain speed, and the body relaxed.

"Meet Mr. Houck, boys, any of you that ain't already met him," said Harshaw by way of introduction. "He's going to trail along with us for a while." The situation was awkward. Several of those present had met Houck only as the victim of their rude justice the night that June Tolliver had swum the river to escape him. Fortunately the cook at that moment bawled out that supper was ready.

I told him that we had seen very few dead apes, and hazarded the conjecture that the brutes, retreating before the flames on their own island, had swum the Middle Channel to West Island, on the northern and unburnt portion of which they might have established themselves.

Men who had been in the Civil War and who had climbed fighting over hills and in the terror of defeat had swum wide rivers, told the tale of their adventures. In the evening, after his day of work in the field or on the railroad with the section hands, Hugh did not know what to do with himself.

He soon saw three or four more such traces leading into the forest, where the trail was lost. The five gathered around the imprints in the earth, and debated their meaning. It was evident even to Will Allen that some one without a horse had swum the river at that point and had climbed up the bank. They could see the traces lower down, where he had emerged from the water.

He was soon so perfectly at home in the water, that he declared he felt able to swim across the Channel, if he could carry some food with him to support himself on the way. Jack laughed at the idea, observing that "nobody ever had swum across the Channel, and he did not believe that anybody ever would do so." Pierre advised Bill not to make the attempt. "No fear," said Jack.

During the night four of the fallen Indians, after first looking round cautiously, crawled away, and the watchers could hear them running fast through the bushes till they were beyond the light of the fire. At dawn a start was made. The river was crossed at the pool where Jose had swum over. Dias, on examination, found that the water, even in the deepest part, was not more than breast-high.

A great wave hit him a buffet, full in the face; it cleared his senses, for a moment; yet perhaps it was more due to the feel of the rope in his fingers.... Then he knew that it was she that the face was real, and the rope.... Went surging through his mind that she, taking the end of the sheet in her teeth, had swum to him, and to Schuyler and that to her they both owed their lives.

The two men on the edge of the canal waited and listened again. It seemed still possible that Von Holzen had swum away in the darkness had perhaps landed safely and unperceived on the other side. "This," said Cornish, at length, "is a police affair. Will you wait here while I go and fetch them?" But Roden made no answer, and in the sudden silence Cornish heard the eerie sound of chattering teeth.

Its blind, gray wall confronted him coldly in the dimness, one shuttered window, like a shut eye, concealing the interior, the soul of the house that lay inside its body. In this window must have been set the light he had seen from the terrace. He wished there were a light burning now. Had he swum across the inlet and fought his way up through the wood only to see a gray wall, a shuttered window?