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He also laid siege to science, sought to make it his own, dreamt of defending God with the weapons of reason and human knowledge like a true forerunner of the angelic St. Thomas, that light of the middle ages, who joined the Dominican order and set everything in his "Summa Theologiae," psychology, logic, policy, and morals.

She took the girl from the clerk, and led her to the official housekeeper's room which she said had been prepared for her so that folks need not keep running to her in her private room where she wanted to be alone with her children, when she was there. "Why, you a'n't much moa than a child youaself, Clem, and here I be talkin' to you as if you was a mother in Israel. How old ah' you, this summa?

"You should get something worse than a box on the ear, only for your refusal to sign that lying petition to his Highness." Summa. After a few days, an answer arrived from his Grace the Duke of Stettin, and the abbess, with the sheriff, proceeded with it to Sidonia's apartment.

Well, maybe you have among some the summa folks, but we all know what summa folks ah', and I don't expect you to patte'n by them.

Summa, as the vessel once more stood still, the knight sprang quick as thought into the ferry-boat along with some of his followers, and rowed off to the vessel, where his daughter sat upon a bundle of merchandise and wept, but Appelmann crept down again into the cabin.

Hope stopped at Augsburg, where 'of course he visited Butsch the bookseller, buys a copy of the 'Summa Divi Thomae Aquinatis, and sees some good books which he did not want. At Munich, where he arrived on September 14, rooms were provided for him at the Austrian Legation by the kindness of his friend Count Senfft. These particulars I take from a letter of his to Mr.

True, they were destroyed by her at last, but not until God gave them over to destruction, in consequence of their sins, no doubt, and of the wickedness of the land. Summa. When my gracious lord felt himself free, he sprang up, crying, "Help! help!" and ran as quick as he could back into the castle.

Some day I will explain how tough it is to learn an entire law subject in five days in a strange tongue." And then, on the night of December 5, came the telegram of success to "Frau Dr. Parker." We both knew he would pass, but neither of us was prepared for the verdict of "Summa cum laude," the highest accomplishment possible.

Used to wo'k fo' the Desmonds got that summa place up the side of the mountain before I took to the ro-ad." "Oh, yes! Have they still got it?" "Yes. Or it's got them. Be glad to sell it, I guess, since the old man lost his money. But Lowa Merritt's kind o' gone down as a summa roso't. Tryin' ha'd to bring it up, though. Know the Desmonds?" "No, not personally."

As having nothing, yet possessing all things; as poor, yet making many rich the boast of St. Paul, the hope of St. Francis of Assisi! in those pithy antitheses is the summa of my experience.