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Updated: January 29, 2025

No less than sixty populous aouls of the Kabardians were plundered; twenty Cossack stanitzas were destroyed; and ravaging on either side the lands through which he passed, the Imam seriously threatened the strong places of Mosdok, Jekaderinograd, and Stavropol.

He silently returned my greeting and emitted an immense cloud of smoke. "We are fellow-travellers, it appears." Again he bowed silently. "I suppose you are going to Stavropol?" "Yes, sir, exactly with Government things."

Hardt introduced her to the holy man, saying: "This is Mademoiselle Vera Baltz, of Stavropol, a friend of His Excellency Peter Stolypin." "Ah! Welcome, my dear mademoiselle," exclaimed the monk affably. "So you are a friend of His Excellency when he was Governor of Samara, I suppose?" "Yes. I have come here because I crave your assistance.

"Perhaps these people know some of my acquaintances," he thought; and the club, his tailor, cards, society ... came back to his mind. But after Stavropol everything was satisfactory wild and also beautiful and warlike, and Olenin felt happier and happier.

As an instance of the ethnological curiosities which the traveller may stumble upon unawares in this curious region, I may mention a strange acquaintance I made when travelling on the great plain which stretches from the Sea of Azof to the Caspian. I was at that moment in Stavropol, a town about eighty miles to the north, and could not gain any satisfactory information as to what this colony was.

Next morning we questioned our host in reference to the incident, but he replied very vaguely, and all we could gather was, that the young girl had come to Stavropol to consult a famous physician respecting her condition, which offered but little hope.

We could gain no information from them as to the relations existing between her and the young chief, the moral causes of her malady, or, in a word, the interesting part of the story." From Stavropol, a pleasant and lively town, the capital of the Caucasus, our travellers journeyed toward the Don with singular rapidity, accomplishing the distance of 316 versts, in two-and-twenty hours.

Towards evening, after tea, he calculated that to Stavropol there still remained seven-elevenths of the whole journey, that his debts would require seven months' economy and one-eighth of his whole fortune; and then, tranquillized, he wrapped himself up, lay down in the sledge, and again dozed off. His imagination was now turned to the future: to the Caucasus.

Among this race may be remarked the Mongolians properly so called, on the Selenga; the Kalmucks, a nomad people in the Government of Astrakhan, as also in Tomsk, in the country of the Don Cossacks, and partly in the Government of Stavropol. The Kalmucks appeared first on the eastern confines of Russia in the year 1630. About a century later we find them become the regular subjects of the Tsar.

They are sending the men of Saratov to dig the ground in the Government of Stavropol, and the Stavropol men to the Saratov Government for the same purpose. Then besides that there is 'nonparty' criticism: "'When it is time to sow they will be shifting muck, and when it is time to reap they will be told to cut timber. That is a particularly clear expression of the peasants' disbelief in our ability to draw up a proper economic plan.

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