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The character of the voters is not staked. I cast my vote, perchance, as I think right; but I am not vitally concerned that that right should prevail. I am willing to leave it to the majority. Its obligation, therefore, never exceeds that of expediency. Even voting for the right is doing nothing for it. It is only expressing to men feebly your desire that it should prevail.

Crassus and Caesar staked their money whether their own or borrowed and their connections to procure the consulship for Catilina and Antonius; the comrades of Catilina strained every nerve to bring to the helm the man who promised them the magistracies and priesthoods, the palaces and country-estates of their opponents, and above all deliverance from their debts, and who, they knew, would keep his word.

"Shorty, why are our two claims here like the Panama Canal?" "What's the answer?" "Well, the eastern entrance of the Panama Canal is west of the western entrance, that's all." "Go on," Shorty said. "I ain't seen the joke yet." "In short, Shorty, you staked our two claims on a big horseshoe bend." Shorty set the gold pan down in the snow and stood up. "Go on," he repeated.

Such had been the strong medicine of Konate, to whom, about to die from his wounds, in his shelter by the Sun-mountain Spring beyond the Staked Plain, the taime spirit had talked. Konate was dead; but K'a-ya-nti, his nephew, the other keeper of the stick, was still alive; and he knew. The name Sioux comes down from a longer Chippewa word meaning "adder" or "enemy."

"But do you think you can do it?" "Sure. You're my meat." "All right, then, my friend. Look me up after the strike is settled, and I'll give you a chance at me." "Remember," Billy added, "I got you staked out." Blanchard nodded, smiled genially to both of them, raised his hat to Saxon, and stepped into the machine. From now on, to Saxon, life seemed bereft of its last reason and rhyme.

The upper part of the bed of the stream had been staked out into claims, the miners and other men each taking up one, but below them the ground was of course open to all, and although not nearly so rich as the upper gravel it was good enough to pay fairly for working.

Then they lingered, each with a lighted cigar, and finally withdrew to proceed to the city? No. To return to their room up-stairs, and renew their unequal contest. The sixty dollars which Wilkinson had received were staked, and soon passed over to his adversary.

He had apparently staked out a claim to this small spot, a claim which the other dancers had decided to respect; but Bill and the Good Sport, coming up from behind, had him two yards away from it at the first impact.

"Say, Stanley says there's four beside the fellows we saw," Jack announced, rather breathlessly, for he had been running through the loose, heavy soil of the garden to overtake them. "They've located twenty acres apiece, he says staked 'em out in the night and stuck up their notices and everyone's going to STICK. They're all going to put in grizzlies and mine the whole thing, he told dad.

Weeks afterward, when Bonanza and Eldorado were staked from end to end and there was no more room, a party of late comers pushed over the divide and down to Gold Bottom, where they found Henderson still at work. When they told him they were from Bonanza, he was nonplussed. He had never heard of such a place. But when they described it, he recognized it as Rabbit Creek.