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He had sworn, and staked his reputation on his pledge, to "get" Larry the Bat, alias the Gray Seal and in the eyes of the underworld, as the underworld sighed with relief, it was already accomplished, for the Wolf had never failed. Jimmie Dale stooped down, felt in under the baseboard again, and took out a little make-up box.

Givens staked his horse, and spread out his saddle blankets to dry. He sat down with his back against a tree and rolled a cigarette. From somewhere in the dense timber along the river came a sudden, rageful, shivering wail. The pony danced at the end of his rope and blew a whistling snort of comprehending fear.

If, as was by no means unlikely, Wong Li Fu staked everything on a gambler's throw and led his cohort in a daylight raid on the house, the Manchu leader would meet with a very warm reception. Forbes was surprised to find that a lady had come with Theydon, but expressed his pleasure at the visit, which, he said, was just the thing his wife and Evelyn needed.

The body was thrown into the sea after that, but the waves tossed it back again and again as a curse upon the village, nor did it finally go away till two strong men were staked out at low tide and drowned. And Hooniah had sent for this Klok-No-Ton. Better had it been if Scundoo, their own shaman, were undisgraced.

Some few of them were staked out, but the most of them were feeding where they chose.

I've scaled, on my lips the lilt of an Andalusian dance, The steep redoubt under a rain of fire; I've staked my life upon a hazard of the dice Careless, as though it were a gold doubloon. My hand would seek the ball out of the cannon's mouth, But now meseems I grow more timid than a crouching hair, Or a child spying some ghost in the curtain's folds.

And, however it might have happened, certain it is, that already, when as yet no syllable of the conspiracy had been breathed to any man whose very existence was not staked upon its concealment, nevertheless, some vague and uneasy jealousy had arisen in the Russian Cabinet as to the future schemes of the Kalmuck Khan: and very probable it is that, but for the war then raging, and the consequent prudence of conciliating a very important vassal, or, at least, of abstaining from what would powerfully alienate him, even at that moment such measures would have been adopted as must for ever have intercepted the Kalmuck schemes.

He leant towards Stonehouse, his inflamed eye through the staring monocle fixing him with an extraordinary tipsy earnestness. "No, doctor, you are mis-mistaken. It would be intolerable you understand quite intolerable. There are things that that must not be true as there are other things that must be true. We've staked our last penny on it, sir, and we've got to win.

A body like his own.... That jelly bath or bed or whatever it was.... The clothing which adapted so skillfully to his measurements.... Ross leaned forward to study the devices on the control board, confirming his suspicions. He had made the final jump of them all! He was now in some building of that alien race upon whose existence Millaird and Kelgarries had staked the entire project.

Alexis Ivanovitch, stake TWO golden pieces this time. The moment we cease to stake, that cursed zero will come turning up, and we shall get nothing." "My good Madame " "Stake, stake! It is not YOUR money." Accordingly I staked two ten-gulden pieces. The ball went hopping round the wheel until it began to settle through the notches.