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A remittance man from Devonshire whose ancestral halls had sheltered an hundred knights danced with Faro Nell, who gambled for a living, while the station agent's attenuated daughter palpitated in the arms of a husky stage-driver. Mr. Percy Parrott, the sprightly cashier of the new bank, swung the new milliner from South Dakota.

The phrase tickled all my after-dinner-coffee sense of humor into an anticipation of Poker Flat. The stage-driver proved himself really right, though you are not to suppose from this that Jimville had no conventions and no caste. They work out these things in the personal equation largely.

Father Adam wept when he sold her to me; after I had sold her in my turn, I was tempted to follow his example; and being alone with a stage-driver and four or five agreeable young men, I did not hesitate to yield to my emotion. Originally intended to serve as the opening chapter of "Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes"

A stage-driver sat at one of the windows reading a penny paper of the day the Boston Times and presenting a figure which could nowise be brought into any picture of "Times in Boston" seventy or a hundred years ago.

With a lump in her throat and a pang in her heart, she recklessly wiped her eyes upon the best parlor curtains, when Barnes mounted to the box, as robust a stage-driver as ever extricated a coach from a quagmire. The team, playful through long confinement, tugged at the reins, and Sandy, who was at the bits, occasionally shot through space like an erratic meteor.

Peyton had arranged that the stage-driver should deliver Clarence at the address of his relative in "J Street," an address which Clarence had luckily remembered. But the boy was somewhat discomfited to find that it was a large office or banking-house.

But I'm going to see it through. When are you going to file?" "My number comes on the fifth day, but lapses may bring me in line tomorrow," she answered. "Smith, the stage-driver, knows of a piece adjoining the one he has selected for himself, if nobody 'beats him to it, as he says. He has given me the numbers, and I'm going to take his word for it.

And the stage proprietor, the stage-driver, and the hostler mull over the problem, and sit down on the woman's hair trunk in front of the tavern to reason with her. The baby joins its voice from the coach window in the clamor of the discussion. The baby prevails.

But the hills are magnificent." "Anybody turned up from the mill?" "No, I haven't heard a word from there. The telephone is still out of commission." "They can't locate the break. Uncle Joe sent word by the stage-driver asking us to keep an eye out for you and send you over. I've come to take you over myself." "That's mighty good of you; but it's a good deal to ask."

The often-repeated anecdote of the Yankee stage-driver who asked of the Duke of Saxe Weimer, "Are you the man that wants an extra coach?" and on being answered in the affirmative, said, "Then I am the gentleman to drive you," is an illustration of what is going on continually around us.