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Davis watched the movement through his glass, and, turning to a horseman at his side, cried, exultantly: "'The breeze is from the northwest; that dust is going toward the Warrenton Pike. Johnston has got up in time; we've won the day! "With this he put spurs to his horse, and the squadron halted on the road set off at a wild gallop.

Shortly afterwards, rounding the spurs of these hills, we came to the channel of the Fort Mueller creek, which I had found this morning, and though there was no surface-water, we easily obtained some by digging in the sandy creek-bed.

And Charming Billy, not at ail sure that his advice would be taken or his warning heeded, stuck the spurs into his horse and set a faster pace reflecting gloomily upon the trials of being confidential adviser to one who, in a perfectly mild and good-mannered fashion, goes right along doing pretty much as he pleases.

With a little practice in the matter of adjustment, I think I could set spurs to any size of horse, but I could never disappear in a cloud of dust at least, not with any guarantee of remaining disappeared when the dust cleared away.

"Did you ever know George Wrottlesey, of the Suffolk branch?" "No," said his Grace, very innocent. "No! 'Od's whips and spurs, I'll be sworn I never saw a man to beat him for reckless riding. He would take five bars any time, egad, and sit any colt that was ever foaled. The Wrottleseys were poor as weavers then, with the Jews coming down in the wagon from London and hanging round the hall gates.

Iwanich thanked the old witch, mounted his foal, put spurs to its sides, and they flew like lightning through the air. Already it was growing dark, when Iwanich perceived some figures in the distance; they soon came up to them, and then the Prince saw that it was the magician and his friends who were driving through the air in a carriage drawn by owls.

And, on the instant, shrill and fierce the trumpets brayed, and on the instant each knight struck spurs, the powerful horses reared, plunged, and sprang away at speed.

James and Bedford both told him he had won his spurs, and should have them on the next fit occasion; but he had ceased to care for knighthood, save in that half-consecrated aspect which he thought would render his guardianship less unmeet for Esclairmonde.

No noble house of Cyprus could boast more ancient lineage, nor so many knights entitled to wear the golden spurs, nor more honorable trophies of the valor dear to knightly hearts.

"They look as if they might amount to something this draft," said Matthews softly. "What might you teach 'em after this, then?" I asked. "To be Guard," said Matthews. "Spurs," cried Purvis, as the guns disappeared through the doors into the stables. Each man plucked at his sleeve, and drew up first one heel and then the other. "What the deuce are they doing?" I asked. "This," said Matthews.