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Tell it to the sportmen of America that all we need is a handful to rally round, and we will all be sportmen too! Go and tell them tell them!" "You bet we will!" said Gloria. "Then go!" said Kagig. "Go by way of Persia, lest the Turks find ways of stopping up your mouths. Monty has died to help us. I live that I may help. You go and tell the sportmen all.

"Since when have Eenglis sportmen waited on the weather? Ah, but you are right, effendi, none should tell the truth in this place, unless in hope of being disbelieved!" He laid a finger on his right eye, as I have seen Arabs do when they mean to ascribe to themselves unfathomable cunning. "Since you entered this common room you have not ceased to observe me closely.

And I threw his body out of the window into the gutter, as my mother's body had been thrown, myself escaping from the building by another way. "Not knowing where to hide, I kept going kept going; and after two days I fell among sportmen cow-punchers they called themselves, who had come to New York with a circus, and the circus had gone broke.

Our Armenian servants ran to the door, and in a minute returned to say that fifty mounted men from Zeitoon were drawn up outside. Kagig gave a curt laugh and strode across to us. "I said you Eenglis sportmen should see good sport." Monty nodded, with a hand held out behind him to warn us to keep still. "I said you shall shoot many pigs!" "Lead on, then." "Turks are pigs!" Monty dd not answer.

He struck at them with a rawhide whip, and spurred his horse savagely at every little clump of men disposed to air their own views. "You see," he laughed, "unanimity is lacking!" Then his manner changed back to irritation. "In the name of God, effendim, what manner of sportmen are you? Will not each of you take a dozen men and go and destroy those cursed Turks?"

"Eenglis sportmen!" said the man in front of us, raising both hands, palms outward, in appraisal of our clothes and general appearance. It was not surprising that he should talk English, for what the British themselves have not accomplished in that land of a hundred tongues has been done by American missionaries, teaching in the course of a generation thousands on thousands.

It was all opposed to the consul's plan, and lawless by any reckoning. To attack the troops of a country with which our own governments were not at war was to put our heads in a noose in all likelihood. Perhaps if he had called us by any other name than "sportmen" we might have seen it in that light, and have told him to protect us according to contract.

I was nearest to Peter Measel, so it was I who took him by the neck and thrust him into outer darkness. Kagig kicked the door shut after him; but even so we heard him for several minutes grinding out condemnatory prayers. "Now sleep, sportmen all!" said Kagig, blessing us with both hands. "Sleep against the sport to-morrow!"

Rustum Khan seemed inclined to insist, but there came astonishing interruption. Kagig appeared, with arms akimbo, in our midst. "Oh, sportmen all!" he laughed. "This day goes well!" "Thank God you're here!" said Monty. "Now we can talk." "That Will what is his name? Will Yerkees is a wonderful fighter!" said Kagig, snapping his fingers and making the joints crack.

Fred and I stood between the two of them and the parapet, because for the first few seconds we were not sure the Armenian did not mean murder. His eyes glittered, and his teeth gleamed. It was not possible to guess whether or not the hand under his goat-skin coat clutched a weapon. "It is now that you Eenglis sportmen shall endure a test!" he remarked.