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Updated: December 22, 2024

Is putting into harbour, and aloud Calls for a Midwife: she is great with gold And longs to be delivered. Pedr. No he Spanyard Is not a true reioycer at the newes: Be't a good omen to our Journey. Ten. So we wish all. Pedr. May we at our returne meet no worse newes Then now at parting. Eleonora, Henrico, Nay, your good newes deserves a farewell. Bust. Pedr. and Man. Hen.

Oh what a tyde of fortunes spight am I Now to swim through! beare up yet, Jovyall heart, And while thou knowest heavenly mercy doe not start. Once more let me embrace you, signior. I say he is an Englishman: lett's shoote him. I say the other is a Spanyard & Don John; & we dare not shoote the one for feare of killing th'other. Jo. Oh hold and spare us both, for we are frends.

What is it to ye that me nevvew Terry is sleepin' in ditch wather an' atin' hard tacks an' coffee an' bein' r-robbed be leeber Cubians, an' catchin' yallow fever without a chanst iv givin' it to e'er a Spanyard. Ye think more iv a stamp thin ye do iv ye'er counthry. Ye're like th' Sugar Thrust. F'r two cints ye'd refuse to support th' govermint. I know ye, ye bloated monno-polist."

At length beeing desirous to repayre the honour of France, he set vpon Florida with such successe as you haue heard. So that being become by his continuall warlike actions both by Land and Sea no lesse valiant Captaine then skillfull Mariner, hee hath made himselfe feared of the Spanyard, and acceptable vnto the Queene of England for the desert of his vertues.

You shall not loose your longing: then, sir, know The hate a Spanyard beares an Englishman Nor naturall is, nor ancient; but as sparkes, Flying from a flint by beating, beget flames, Matter being neere to feed and nurse the fire, So from a tinder at the first kindled Grew this heartburning twixt these two great Nations. As how, pray? You say right.

He cud do him at rasslin' or chasin' th' greased pig, or in a wan-legged race or th' tug-iv-war. He cud make him look foolish at liftin' a kag iv beer or hitchin' up a team. But, whin it comes to di-plo-macy, th' Spanyard has him again th' rail, an' counts on him till his ar-rm is sore." "Why don't he tur-rn in an' fight?" demanded the patriotic Mr. Hennessy. "Lord knows," said Mr. Dooley.

I'll say this much f'r him, he's a brave man, a dam brave man. I don't like a Spanyard no more than ye do, Hinnissy. I niver see wan. But, if this here man was a was a Zulu, I'd say he was a brave man. If I was aboord wan iv thim yachts that was convarted, I'd go to this here Cervera, an' I'd say: 'Manuel, I'd say, 'ye're all right, me boy.

But th' victhry was not f'r long with th' hated Spanyard. He was answered be our whole fleet iv preachers. Thin he was jined be th' bishop iv Barsaloona an' th' bishop iv Mahdrid an' th' bishop iv Havana, all battle-ships iv th' first class, followed be a fleet iv cruisers r-runnin' all th' way fr'm a full-ar-rmored vicar gin'ral to a protected parish priest.

'We're at peace with th' wurruld, he says. 'George, he says, 'George, be a good fellow, he says. 'Lave up on thim, he says. 'Hivins an' earth, he's batin' that poor Spanyard with a pavin' block. George, George, ye break me hear-rt, he says. "But George Dooley, he gives th' wink to his frinds, an' says he, 'What's that man yellin' on th' shore about? he says. 'Louder, he says.

The same day also we tooke the Master of one of the ships which was in the harborow with three other of his men, whom we detained prisoners to ransome M. Crafton and Stephen van Henrick: The 22 captaine Laurence sent them aboord, and we also released all our prisoners, except one Spanyard, who was boatswaine of the Spanish ship, whom we kept with vs: and the same day we set from thence.

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