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It was a man who did not look like an accepted lover who presented himself at Rachel's door the following afternoon. But Rachel was not there. Her secretary handed Hugh a little note which she had left for him, telling him that Hester had suddenly fallen ill, and that she had been sent for to Southminster. The note ended: "These first quiet days are past.

"I'll look for the number on the cabin list," said she hastily, and went forth with trembling to summon the peer. As Audrey, alone in the cabin with Lady Southminster, bent curiously over the prostrate form, Lady Southminster exclaimed with an air of childlike admiration: "You're real ladies, you are!" And Audrey felt old and experienced.

I will buy it." Afterwards, still recalling his youth, he began to talk of Cyprus, and so time went on until the dark was falling. Now Georgios said that he must be going, as he had sent back his guide to Southminster, where the man desired to eat his Christmas feast.

"Any other visitors?" asked Fetherston, in his quick, impetuous way, as he polished his pince-nez. "One day, very soon after Mr. Bailey took the house, I was on duty at Southminster Station in the forenoon, and a gentleman and lady arrived and asked how far it was to The Yews, at Asheldham. I directed them the way to walk over by Newmoor and across the brook.

"I have counted eight or nine volors," he said; "usually there are only two at this time. I went to look for them." "Which way?" "Three this way and five the other." Monsignor did not dare to ask for an interpretation. But he was aware that the air of tenseness in the room tightened up still further. The General got up. "Southminster," he said, "I think I'll take a stroll outside if I may.

Rorie asks a Question. The library was one of the finest rooms at Southminster. It was not like the library at Althorpe a collection for a nation to be proud of. It was a spacious and lofty room, lined from floor to ceiling with exquisitely bound books; for, if not a collector of rare editions, Lord Southminster was at least a connoisseur of bindings.

Sir Andrew asked what wine there was at Southminster. The Prior answered that he had heard that a ship, laden amongst other things with wine of Cyprus of wonderful quality, had come into the river Crouch with her rudder broken.

Gresley took the seat on the sofa beside Rachel which Ada Pratt had vacated, and after a few kindly eulogistic remarks on the Bishop of Southminster and the responsibilities of wealth, he turned the conversation into the well-worn groove of Warpington. Rachel proved an attentive listener, and after Mr.

The village itself lay, spread out above the beach, a hundred feet below the windows, and the only sound was the steady lap and splash of the rollers upon the shingle. The place was completely protected by the Southminster estate from any encroachment of houses, and even the station itself lay half a mile away inland. Monsignor looked again at the faces of those who sat with him.

But it was entirely impossible to conjecture for certain what this something might be. "That is serious?" remarked Lady Southminster, without moving a muscle. "I suppose so," said her son, and sat down again. Then the man who was looking out of the window turned and came back into the room, latching the shutters and putting the curtains into place. "Well, Jack?" asked the General.