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They all whispered an' nudged ole Sandford Morley out of life an' inter his grave. They-all hinted that he war a thief, a betrayer of his friend, but he war that upright and clean that he war deaf to whispers an' he he didn't know the language of dirty slurs and off looks from them as war once his friends! He went to his grave without knowing what had edged him outer the respect of his neighbours.

It was clear to the Indians that the settlers in that section had taken the alarm, and Red Feather proposed they should abandon their first plan and push northward towards Barwell, attacking the isolated homes to the south of that settlement. Tall Bear opposed so warmly, and with such slurs on his rival, that a personal conflict was narrowly averted.

The delight of that exquisite sound of refinement in the pronunciation. Miss Sharp never misplaces an inflection or slurs a word, she never uses slang, and yet there is nothing pedantic in her selection of language it is just as if her habitual associates were all of the same class as herself, and that she never heard coarse speech. Who can she be ?

If we take two steps backward from the canvas of this mortal life and glance at it impartially, we shall see that these matters of love and marriage pass like a pivot through the lives of almost every individual, and are, sociologically speaking, the primum mobile of the world. The books of any philosopher who slurs them or distorts them will hold up a false mirror to life.

"I've stood your slurs ever since I got here, but I'll be jobeefed if I'll stand for your swiping my property." The man of the brown eyes smiled. His whole demeanor showed that he was more than ever hugely enjoying his own verbosity the florid language which was both maddening and mystifying the tramp.

I will not call this matter of George Fisher's a great deathless and unrelenting swindle upon the government and people of the United States for it has never been so decided, and I hold that it is a grave and solemn wrong for a writer to cast slurs or call names when such is the case but will simply present the evidence and let the reader deduce his own verdict.

Of course he is,” said Thérèse proudly, patting the arched neck of her favorite. “Beauregard is a blooded animal, remember. He quite throws poor Nelson in the shade,” looking pityingly at Hosmer’s heavily built iron-grey. “Don’t cast any slurs on Nelson, Mrs. Lafirme. He’s done me service that’s worthy of praise worthy of better treatment than he gets.” “I know. He deserves the best, poor fellow.

In his journal December 14, 1847, he says, ``I often have a good deal to contend with in the slurs or open opposition of masters and owners of vessels whose seamen I undertake to defend or look after, though he adds there were honorable exceptions. These cases he fought hard and bravely, and into them he put his whole mind, heart and soul.

"As to my character, sir, you will hardly expect any satisfactory information from my own mouth. However, it may save you the trouble of applying to others, when I tell you that my character has as many slurs and blots in it as any you ever met with. A more versatile, inconsistent, prejudiced, and faulty person than myself, I do not believe the earth to contain.

Accordingly, in the work before us, we do not find any light thrown on those places where a person would be most anxious to see it. Lady Shelley slurs over the undutiful boyhood of the poet and the terrible sternness of his Mirabeau-father. She merely glances across the first foolish marriage and the catastrophe that closed it, as a bird flies over an abyss.