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He paused first at a bend in the road, about fifty yards down, and stepped up close to the hedge. "The instinct of the sleuthhound," he said to himself, "is all very well, but why on earth haven't I told Furley about the car?"

He knows absolutely nothing about the manifestations of the disorder, to begin with; but that is of no consequence, for the world is open to observation; and the note-book, the inquiring mind, and the sleuthhound patience are all as available as ever. Then a combination occurs to him. Servantgalism awaits; its painter.

Furley declared enviously. "Sunshine like this makes one feel as though one were on the Riviera instead of in Norfolk. Shall you visit the scene of your adventure?" "I may," Julian answered thoughtfully. "The instinct of the sleuthhound is beginning to stir in me. There is no telling how far it may lead." Julian started on his tramp about half an hour later.

There were one or two other things in the back of his brain, waiting to be taken out and looked at. For the moment he left them undisturbed. They would come back to him later when he wanted them. He laughed suddenly, and lit his pipe. "I was wanting a new profession," he thought, "and now I've found it. Antony Gillingham, our own private sleuthhound. I shall begin to-day."

Fenton," said Crackenfudge, smiling, or assuming a smile, and still steady as a sleuthhound to his purpose. "Where now are you bound for, oh, benevolent and humane Crackenfudge?" "A' was jist thinking of asking this strange fellow " "Right, O Crackenfudgius! that impostor is a fellow; or if you prefer the reverse of the proposition, that fellow is an impostor. I have found him out."

It had become a matter for the secret police; the coastguard or customs officials were no longer able to deal with it. Then one day Hypolite Leroux came to see me. I knew the man well a keen sleuthhound if ever there was one and well did he deserve his name, for he was as red as a fox.

Also he was not at all displeased at enjoying this opportunity of impressing the Duke with his powers of analysis and synthesis. He was unaware that, as a rule, the Duke's eyes did not usually twinkle as they twinkled during this solemn and deliberate progress through the house of M. Gournay-Martin. M. Formery had so exactly the air of a sleuthhound; and he was even noisier.

From that instant, all pretenses were abandoned, Robert was a sleuthhound on a keen scent. With his head well forward, he crept up the carpeted stairway. The upper hall light was burning low; from his wife's "sewing room," as it was called, came the sound of voices. The door was ajar, and from the crevice a strong light flooded out into the twilight of the hall.

Lutchester met him here by accident or whether they arrived together." "You'll turn me into a regular sleuthhound," he laughed. "However, here goes." He strolled off again, and Pamela found herself forced to become mundane and frivolous whilst she chatted with some newly-arrived acquaintances. It was not until some little time after her brother's return that she found herself alone with him.

For all that he had expected this, for all his premonition of disaster, it was an appreciable time before the Efficient Baxter rallied from the blow. He stood transfixed, goggling at the empty place. Then his mind resumed its functions. All, he perceived, was not yet lost. Baxter the watchdog must retire, to be succeeded by Baxter the sleuthhound.