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How cool and delicious it is in here and the superb roses Ah yes! the old Castellux cup. I remember it perfectly; your father once gave me a sip from its rim when I was a young fellow. And now tell me how is our genius? What a master-stroke is his last the whole country is ringing with it. How did you get hold of him?" "Very easily.

His absence from the room totalled a little less than three minutes, and when he held the glass to the lady's lips he was out of breath with his exertions. Mrs. Holymead took a sip of water, shuddered, took another sip, then heaved a sigh, and opened to the full extent her large dark eyes on the man bending over her, who felt amply repaid by such a glance.

Again the slim young constable rushed toward the Barracks and in a few moments returned with the spirits. After taking a sip of the brandy Cameron again opened his eyes and managed to say "Don't " "All right, old chap," said the doctor. "We won't move you yet. Just lie still a bit." But as once more Cameron opened his eyes the agony of the appeal in them aroused the doctor's attention.

He would have given all he possessed for one sip of cool water. He seemed to be alone. There were bushes all about him. He remembered that he had been fighting on the edge of a wood where there was a great deal of underbrush. This no doubt accounted for his being alone. Out in the meadow beyond there were lying a number of dead and wounded, as he could see by peering through the bushes.

I was sitting peaceably on my own front steps, dressed in the summer-before-last that Judy washes and irons every day while I'm deciding how to hand out the first sip of my trousseau to the neighbors, when Tom, in a dangerous blue-striped shirt, with a tie that melted into it in tone, blew over my hedge and landed at my side.

Chillip, fortifying himself with another sip of negus, 'between you and me, sir, that her mother died of it or that tyranny, gloom, and worry have made Mrs. Murdstone nearly imbecile. She was a lively young woman, sir, before marriage, and their gloom and austerity destroyed her. They go about with her, now, more like her keepers than her husband and sister-in-law. That was Mrs.

"And you kept giving Hardy wrong information?" asked Strong with a laugh. "Yes!" snorted Professor Sykes with a wry grin. "You see, I knew right away Vidac was doing something funny way back " He paused to sip his tea. "Way back before we landed on Roald."

"It's a great life if you don't weaken," said the Cherub, hungrily attacking her omelette. "And the wortht is yet to come! I thuppose all you old dears realithe that this show will have to be rewritten from end to end, and we'll be rehearthing day and night all the time we're on the road." "Why?" Lois Denham spoke with her mouth full. "What's wrong with it?" The Duchess took a sip of coffee.

I took the rudder lines from her, and steered the boat, while she again resorted to the bladder of spirits. "Take another sip," said she, after she had filled the milk-can; "it won't harm you." I thought the same, for I was wet through, and the wind, as it howled, pierced me to the bones; I took a small quantity as before, and then continued to keep the boat before the wind.

The water-buck came here in herds from the elephant country away south, beyond the hour-glass-like constriction which divided the great forest, and the tiny dik-dik, smallest of all antelopes, came also to take its sip. But all that is past.