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Wherefore if your honour do not get out two letters of the Grand Signior as aforesayd, and send them hither with all speed by some one of your gentlemen accompanied with a chaus of the Court, or some other of the Grand Signiors servants, it is impossible that our English ships can escape freely from these or the Christians: for either they must of force go on the Christian coast, and so fall into their hands, or els on this coast, and fall into the kings of this towne, or Tripolis, their hands which if they should, will neuer be recouered.

Hindbad, being surprised at the question, hung down his head, and replied, Signior, I confess that my weariness put me out of humour, and occasioned me to speak some indiscreet words, which I beg you to pardon.

Being unable to conceal his displeasure, he addressed himself to the Hebrew, with great solemnity, in the Spanish tongue, saving, "Signior, is there any singularity in my appearance? or, do you recollect the features of Don Diego de Zelos?"

"Stay, signior officer!" exclaimed the youth in mortal agony; "hear me speak let me not die guiltlessly my blood will be required of you by my countrymen in this world, and by Heaven's justice in that which is to follow."

From my mansion Rapamat in Pera this 24. of Iune 1584. The commaundement obtained of the Grand Signior by her Maiesties ambassador M. Wil. Hareborne, for the quiet passing of her subiects to and from his dominions, sent in An. 1584 to the Viceroyes of Algier, Tunis, and Tripolis in Barbary. To our Beglerbeg of Algier. We certifie thee by this our commandement, that the right honorable Will.

The state of things at Mecca in the last century has been clearly sketched by Niebuhr. The Sherifs were in reality independent princes, but they "gratified the vanity of the Grand Signior" by calling him their suzerain, he on his side occasionally exercising the right of power by deposing the reigning Sherif and appointing another of the same family.

Either, we'll furnish him with Bills on Signior Don Francisco, Men and Baggage, and the business is done he shall make Love to her. Ant. Most excellent. Car. Guzman, have you not observ'd this Fellow I am speaking of. Guz. Observ'd him, Sir! I know him particularly, I'll fetch him to you now, Sir; he always stands for new Imployment with the rest of his Gang under St. Jago's Church-wall. Car.

A large park would appear to have been among the many luxuries of the princely Medici, for Reresby says: "Ten miles from Florence the duke hath another country-house, nothing so considerable in itself as in its situation, standing betwixt several hills on one side, covered with vines and olive trees, and a valley divided into many walks by rows of trees leading different ways: one leads to a park where the great duke hath made a paddock course by the direction of Signior Bernard Gascoigne, an Italian, who, having served our late king in his wars, carried the pattern from England.

How, replied one of them, do you live in Bagdad, and know not that this is the house of Signior Sindbad, the sailor, that famous traveller who has sailed round the world?

Even the sober decorum of private families, which I must say is rigidly kept up at other times among my neighbors, is no proof against this saturnalia. There is no such thing as keeping maid-servants within doors. Their brains are absolutely set madding with Punch and the Puppet-Show, the Flying Horses, Signior Polito, the Fire-Eater, the celebrated Mr. Paap, and the Irish Giant.