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Catastrophe which, by farther ill accident, proved noisy in the extreme; producing world-wide shrieks from the one party, stone-silence from the other; which were answered by unlimited hooting, catcalling and haha-ing from all parts of the World-Theatre, upon both the shrieky and the silent party; catcalling not fallen quite dead to this day.

Omnipotence of droning, edged with shrieky squealing, which fills the Universe, not at all in a melodious way. From the depths of the gamut to the shrieky top again, a droning that has something of porcine or wild-boar character. Friedrich sometimes remonstrates: "Cannot you spare such phraseology, unseemly to Kings?

Gaff said this quite gravely, for nothing was farther from his thoughts at that time than jesting. "And pray, who may Squeaky and Shrieky be?" "Squeaky's a pig, and Shrieky's a little parrot." "Well," observed the middy with a laugh, "that's better than no company at all." "Yours is an English man-o'-war, I think?" said Gaff.

Gaff sat in the chimney-corner of the "Boodwar" smoking his pipe and staring at Shrieky, which, having survived the voyage home, had been hung up in a cage in the little window, and was at that time engaged in calling loudly for Squeaky, who, having also survived the voyage, was grubbing up stones and mud at the front door.

Voltaire is ready to make desperate oath, if needful. We said once, M. de Voltaire was not given to lying; far the reverse. But yet, see, if you drive him into a corner with a sword at his throat, alas, yes, he will lie a little! Tell it not in Gath, except for scientific purposes! And be judicial, arithmetical, in passing sentence on it; not shrieky, mobbish, and flying off into the Infinite!

There was a profound truth in all of these invectives, warnings, and prophecies. But the prophet's voice at last got so shrieky and monotonous, that instead of warning and inspiring a second generation, these terrific maledictions began to pall upon a practical world.

"What! d'ye mean to say you've been five years here all alone?" "Ay, all but a few days," said Gaff, looking round on the men with a bewildered air. "How strange yer voices sound! Seems as if I'd a'most forgotten what men are like!" "Well, you are a queer fish," said the boy with a laugh. "Are there no more here but you two?" "No more; just Billy and me also Squeaky and Shrieky."

Her middle register the test part of a voice was showing signs of strength and steadiness and evenness. And she was fast getting a real upper register, as distinguished from the forced and shrieky high notes that pass as an upper register with most singers, even opera singers. After a month of this marvelous forward march, she sang for Mrs.

Most of the cattle that happened to be on board the ill-fated steamer were saved, and among them was Squeaky. Shrieky, too, managed to escape. His cage having been smashed in the general confusion he was set free, and flew wildly towards the pier, where he took refuge in the bosom of a sailor, who took care of him. Ultimately he and his companion in distress were restored to their friends.

Yet it was hard to imagine how I could have started a flirtation and carried it on to its culminatory point in that great public room, with all those eyes on me; dogs, babes, and cats tumbling about my feet; ostriches staring covetously at my buttons with great vacant eyes; and that intolerable paroquet perpetually reciting "How the waters came down at Lodore," in its own shrieky, beaky, birdy, hurdy-gurdy, parrot language.